My weight-loss experience – Part 1: After wiping the egg off my face, trying again

Yesterday, I reached my weight-loss goal (Woo-hoo!) and I’ll be posting about the experience today and the next two days in the hopes of maybe providing a little motivation for someone else.


Way back on May 1, 2017, I announced to the WordPress virtual community with quite a bit of fanfare that I had embarked on a diet and exercise regimen, with the goal of shedding 33 lbs. and dropping from 213 lbs. to 180 lbs. I had already lost 7 lbs. at that point and was quite confident in my final success. After all, I bragged, my “Sal’s Birdland Diet Plan” was absolutely fool-proof (ahem!) and fail-safe!

Two months later, on June 28, 2017, I posted a diet update. At that point, I had dropped a total of 16 pounds in eleven weeks and I acknowledged that I had hit a bit of a plateau, but that I was pressing forward to victory!


Well, there were no more diet updates after that one. Like the vast majority of dieters, I had also fizzled out. I stopped the regimen and eventually put ALL of the weight back on, returning to the 213 lbs. and then some. I felt a bit defeated.

However, my wife and doctor kept nagging me to lose weight. I’m 5’11” tall and the ideal weight-range for a male my height is between 155 and 189 lbs. My family has a history of diabetes and heart trouble and my doctor kept warning me that I was probably headed for problems very soon at the rate I was going. The Lord wants us to be good stewards of all of the things He has gifted us with, and I knew I wasn’t being a good steward of my earthly tent.

This past winter, with my yearly physical approaching, I toyed with the idea of going on a diet and exercise regimen once again to lose weight. I was at a critical juncture. My 38-inch waist-size pants were getting uncomfortably tight. My XL t-shirts were also starting to feel a little snug. I was either going to have to go up to the next size or lose weight. So, on March 10, I began another diet and exercise marathon with a goal of losing 30 lbs., but this time there would be no WordPress posts blustering about my success while I was still twenty-miles from the finish line. I had eaten enough crow last time.

Well, folks, yesterday morning I finally hit my goal of losing 30 lbs. after 16 weeks of some serious dieting and exercise, while even having a little fun with the experience (more about the fun part on Friday). It wasn’t always easy. I had a few (minor) setbacks and plateaus. Of course, it’s essential that I now maintain my new weight by continuing with a good diet and regular exercise. I’ll be submitting additional posts tomorrow and Friday about some of the details of my weight-loss experience for anyone who might be considering a similar program for themselves.

35 thoughts on “My weight-loss experience – Part 1: After wiping the egg off my face, trying again

  1. Praise the Lord, Tom!!
    My husband has lost 50 by counting calories and this time he has been sticking to it! He has a day where he eats a little bit more but gets right back on it the next day! I think this comment you made : “The Lord wants us to be good stewards of all of the things He has gifted us with, and I knew I wasn’t being a good steward of my earthly tent.” helped my husband in that aspect-he felt gluttonous! That is also what keeps me away from going back into smoking-not taking care of the body God has given me to carry about His work in- i like food-especially sweets!-but I have struggled with an eating disorder in the past so I too count calories with my husband to stay at the weight I am.
    Keep on using our Lord to keep you on track 😁 HE IS GOOD LIKE THAT, TOO!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Beth, and thanks for all of the good comments! I’m glad your husband was able to lose 50 lbs. That’s quite a significant drop! Glad you and your husband are encouraging each other and glad you got off the cigs, which are very addictive. Fatty food is addictive, too. 🙂

      Yes, I knew I was being an irresponsible steward with this earthly tent the Lord gifted me with. The Lord was my Coach throughout this weight-loss, my ultimate encourager.

      Unbelievers are filling up gyms these days in the quest to turn their bodies into self-worship shrines and in an attempt to stave off death as long as possible. But as believers, our motive is just to be good stewards and so we can continue His ministries as you mention. Yup, the Lord is a POWERFUL enabler for good!

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      1. Amen! Very well said!! God is so good to show us the truth for our own good!!! Yes the ultimate Coach He is!!
        Keep on keeping on!!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thanks, Beth! Striving to lose those 30 lbs. over 16 weeks brought to mind MANY spiritual applications revolving around the themes of intentionality, determination, perseverence, resisting temptation, etc. That will be a future post down the road. Ultimately, any and all of our “success” is in Jesus Christ!


      1. I’ve been there and done that- went from 225 to 185.. now at 215.. now back on the exercise-diet would like to get back down. Your story is encouraging!

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      2. Thanks, Hans! Several things inspired me to get back to a weight-loss regimen. Our oldest son was on a diet at the same time and we encouraged each other quite a bit. I’m going to get into many of the details of my diet-exercise regimen in the next couple of days. I wish you success in your weight-loss program! Keep me posted!

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  2. Praise the Lord, Tom, for staying with you and making you a witness of His Almighty power. You are an encouragement to others to be good stewards of all He has given us. Looking forward to reading your following posts. Blessings as you stay close to Him for His daily sustenance (Matthew 4:4). 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Fran, for your kind encouragement! We can praise Him for each new dawn and the blessed privilege of walking with Him another day in His care and loving encouragement.

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    1. Thanks, sister! I’m glad I actually reached the goal this time. I actually had some fun with it, which I attribute to my droll quirkiness, details coming Friday.

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  3. Congratulations! Wow is this really true? ” I’m 5’11” tall and the ideal weight-range for a male my height is between 155 and 189 lbs. ” I imagine someone 5 foot 11 would weigh more than that…

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks, Jimmy! Tomorrow’s and Friday’s posts go into some of the details. I actually had quite a bit of fun with this diet adventure, I made it into a little bit of a game, and that was a big help, although I think my antics may have been wearing a little thin with my wife.

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