“Christian” woman to street evangelist: Please stop preaching the Gospel!


In this 6-minute video, a young “Christian” woman tearfully pleads with Todd Friel of “Wretched Radio” to stop preaching the Gospel at an outdoors fair, even appealing to the scoffers in the background.

18 thoughts on ““Christian” woman to street evangelist: Please stop preaching the Gospel!

  1. He seems pretty condescending, as if he stands on this idea of “The Bible is right, I agree with my interpretation of the Bible, therefore I must be as right about everything as the Bible is.” The video seems cut, if he’s interrupting her, then he must not be respectful of her or her position to give her a full hearing. When it was his turn to speak, did she frequently interrupt him?

    There’s two ways to reach people, one is to be confrontational in the mode of an Old Testament Prophet: “You! Sinners! Hear these words of condemnation!” The other is to have a servant’s heart, I doubt that Mother Teresa would have had said as sharp words as Mr. Friel, but she never needed to because of how she lived out her life. Too many people are being driven away by the confrontational style and have never seen a servant’s heart in action. Being confrontational doesn’t work with everyone – it puts many on the defensive and hardens them.

    Many testimonies I’ve read never once talk about being intellectually convinced about the error of their theological position. It’s not their minds that save them, but their heart. They’ve been repeatedly told that they’re guilty sinners who are going to Hell, I’ve never met anyone who hadn’t heard the message that God hates them as sinning sinners and will send them to Hell – and yet some will not believe. Perhaps it’s the judgmental condescension that they hear, the champing at the bit, the salivating hatred that they hear when Christians like Westboro (for example) begin sharing their version of the truth – like when Jonah wanted the Ninevites to be destroyed. If they’re going to heaven – then that’s the last place I’d want to be. But if more Christians had servant’s hearts, who lived in such a way that I wanted what they seem to have – it would reach me far more than being told that I’m a sinner going to hell for the umpteenth time.

    Is he really on about The Law? The Law of Moses? I seem to recall that the early Christians decided not to require Gentiles to obey Jewish Law / Torah / Talmud. Even Paul recognized that there were those who didn’t have the law – he said that he became like them in order to reach them so that he might save them. Mr. Friel should take a page out of Paul’s book, rather than using the Law as a point. Paul didn’t preach on the Law to the Aereopagus, right? That’s because they didn’t have the Law either. He used what they had – an altar to an Unknown God.

    At least her heart was broken because she understood that he was turning off crowds of people off from the gospel; making it that much harder for her to reach people whose only experience is of people like Mr. Friel who branded them as a sinner rather than got to know them as the person whom God loves. You can’t paint everyone with the same brush, you can’t use the same sort of bait for every kind of fish, you can’t expect everyone to respond equally well to being treated in just one way. She understands the extra effort it takes to build up a relationship with people who have been hurt by confrontational Christians. Mr. Friel doesn’t seem to care about people who don’t respond to his confrontational style as he thinks they ought to.


    1. Mother Teresa? Sigh. The celebrated Mother Teresa did not know or follow the Gospel of salvation by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone. She believed, as she was taught by her church, that people of all religions and even atheists could merit Heaven if they “followed the light they were given” and were “good.” That is a (c)hristianity without Christ. See my latest post on “saint” Teresa of Calcutta below.


      1. I remember being repeatedly confronted, again and again. That’s not what won me over to Christ. Jesus saved his confrontational style for the Pharisees, when he delivered the Sermon on the Mount he was using a more reserved teaching style. It’s quite distinct from the “Seven Woe” sermon he gave regarding the Pharisees. Sometimes how you about something can be half the problem of what you’re doing. If you don’t know someone, then you can’t be sure how they’ll respond to confrontation or what would be a better, tactful way to reach them. Paul and Jesus both varied their approach because they realized that not everything works for everyone in the same way.


      2. I agree, different approaches for different people and situations. The “fire and brimstone” message was what caught my attention initially and then personal evangelism followed. People won’t accept the Good News of salvation through Jesus if they don’t believe they’re headed to hell.


      3. Yet Jesus spoke mostly in parables, he spoke more of positive attributes than negative ones. I don’t people have to necessarily believe that Hell is a consequence of not believing in Jesus in order to believe in Jesus. I just heard the parable of the guy who sold everything in order to get a pearl of great value, the guy who sold everything to buy a land with a treasure buried in it. Jesus found a way to tell them about Heaven without trying to scare them out of Hell.


      4. We’re part of a culture that really frowns upon negative reinforcement. I can certainly understand that because I personally enjoy praise much more than criticism. But no one spoke more about Hell than Jesus. I’m not sure about the exact ratio of positive to negative, but much of what Jesus proclaimed were warnings of the judgement to come. The Bible says the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin. If people aren’t convicted of their sin and their pending judgement, there is little reason for them to accept Christ as Savior.


      5. http://www.patheos.com/blogs/unfundamentalistchristians/2015/01/did-jesus-speak-more-about-hell-than-about-heaven/
        This guy did the math: 3% Hell vs 10% Heaven – leaving 87% left over as times he talked about neither Heaven nor Hell.
        Odds are though, you’ll find someone who’ll flip the numbers out there, too. People see what they want to see – and anyone inclined to understand God as primary judgmental and legalistic will be far more concerned about Heaven/Hell than the woman who understand’s that God’s love is far more powerful than the gates of Hell.


      6. And I would argue that 100% of what Jesus talked about had a connection to either Heaven or Hell. Thanks for the dialogue but our viewpoints are too dissimilar.


  2. I know its been awhile since this was posted but wanted to add a few words anyway. The problem with religion today is everything is either 1. Completely unbiblical or 2. So watered down the original intent is meaningless. Jesus entire teachings were connected to the theme of…every person is either going to Heaven or hell. Yes..He taught many different things..but the end result was eternity with or without him. Sugar coating and/or watering down the Gospel does only one thing….dooms both the giver and receiver. ” Because you are lukewarm I will spew you out of my mouth”. I grew up listening to both fire and brimstone sermons and also teachings on the depth of Gods love. Neither one of them ever hurt my feelings. They just taught me crucial information needed to help bring me to Jesus and save my soul. Not at first but eventually. The planted seeds. Both are needed in our churches just like yesteryear but anymore the former gets preached less and less. Today it seems its all about God loves you no matter what and send yo money. While He does love you…He still hates sin. Period. This is serious business folks. Time is short! If your not covered by the blood Its eternity without God and hell is forever. Preach and teach the full Gospel of Christ and let God do the rest. Some seeds will wither some will grow. But never ever sugar coat it or water it down. And Love your neighbor as yourself. Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

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    1. Thanks for the good comments, Jene! After my wife and I first accepted Jesus, we attended a church that was VERY heavy on fire and brimstone and guilt. After 8 years of it I couldn’t take it anymore and we left the church, but then I walked away from the Lord for many years because I was so discouraged. When I returned to the Lord we attended a church where the pastor did a much better job of balancing God’s holiness and judgement with His grace and forgiveness. But as you say, there are many “evangelical” churches today that barely bring up sin and judgement if at all. How can anyone turn to Christ as Savior if they don’t know their desperate need of the Savior?

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