Evangelical Exodus?

Evangelical Exodus: Evangelical Seminarians and Their Paths To RomeEE
Edited by Douglas Beaumont
Ignatius Press, 2016, 286 pages

I returned to the Lord in 2014 after a two-decade hiatus. One of my first priorities was to find an evangelical, Gospel-preaching fellowship but I wanted to avoid the kind of legalism we encountered at the church we had attended way back in the 1980s. I found a Southern Baptist church in our area that we liked a lot initially. It was a small church and the members were warm and welcoming. Our first Sunday was also the first Sunday for the new pastor; a young guy in his early-thirties, fresh out of seminary. His sermons were more about God’s grace and mercy than about shame, guilt, and accusations of not measuring up to God’s Holiness, which was what I had been used to. It was a balm to my soul.

But there was also a troubling aspect to this pastor. He wasn’t just “interested” in Roman Catholic writers and theologians, he was completely enamored with them. Over the course of the year we heard about his admiration for such Catholic figures as Thomas Aquinas, Blaise Pascal, G. K. Chesterton, Malcolm Muggeridge, and Peter Kreeft. I pointed out to him that all of these people supported a religious system which taught salvation was through the Catholic sacraments and obedience to the Ten Commandments and church rules. He off-handedly dismissed my objections as one would who has been steeped in institutional education but must condescend to the level of the unlearned. Because of that issue (and a few others including the support of Christian nationalism) we decided to leave the church in June 2015.

I was eager to read “Evangelical Exodus” after my experiences with that young pastor. What exactly are they teaching in evangelical seminaries these days? Editor Doug Beaumont recounts his story and the stories of eight other young men who attended Southern Evangelical Seminary in Matthews, North Carolina. The seminarians allegedly all began as evangelicals, but ended up as members of the Roman Catholic church. How does that work? The founder of the seminary, evangelical theologian, Norman Geisler, is an unabashed admirer of Thomas Aquinas. Because of Geisler and his sympathetic professors, the curriculum at SES was heavy on Thomist philosophy and theology. Some students naturally conjectured, “If Aquinas is so commendable for his non-Catholic-specific teachings, let’s check out his Catholic-specific teaching as well.” And one thing led to another. As I pointed out earlier in a review of one his books (see here), Geisler defies rationality. On the one hand, he fully supports the Gospel of salvation by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone and also acknowledges that Catholicism teaches a skewed gospel of salvation by sacramental grace and merit. But then he inexplicably embraces Catholicism as a Christian, albeit misguided, entity. It’s clear from “Evangelical Exodus” that Geisler’s schizophrenic infatuation with Aquinas has led many astray.

What about the nine seminarians? They all claim to have been blood-bought, born-again believers prior to converting to Catholicism, but how could a sinner saved by grace and a child of God take upon themselves the chains of spiritual slavery and try to once again earn their own salvation through the beggarly elements? It’s my opinion that the Gospel of grace through faith had been only intellectual head knowledge for these men. There was no genuine saving relationship with Jesus Christ.

“But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how can you turn back again to the weak and worthless elementary principles of the world, whose slaves you want to be once more?” – Galatians 4:9

Each ex-seminarian presents the church’s long (and checkered) history, sacraments and liturgies, and claims to apostolic authority as arguments in favor of Catholicism. All of these points have been critiqued by knowledgeable evangelicals and shown to be deficient. See my list of books here which compare Catholicism with God’s Word. The ex-seminarians liberally quote the “church fathers” to support their viewpoint but honest Catholic students will admit the “fathers” present as many challenges to current Catholic dogma as they do affirmations.

Our former, Aquinas-loving pastor studied at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (Southern Baptist), which is located in Wake Forest, North Carolina, just three hours from SES. I surmise Geisler’s obsession with Thomism also made its way up Route 85 to Wake Forest.

Doug Beaumont and Ignatius Press pridefully titled this book, “Evangelical Exodus,” but, as thousands of near-empty Catholic churches can attest to, the overwhelming exodus between Catholics and evangelicals has been the journey of millions of ex-Catholics out of religious legalism and ritualism to the Gospel of salvation by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone.

This book was extremely hard for me to read. My heart breaks for Roman Catholics who are attempting the impossible task of trying to merit their way to Heaven. The Catholic church proclaims Christ is the “Savior” but then teaches its members they must merit their salvation by participating in the sacraments and obeying the Ten Commandments perfectly (impossible!). I couldn’t obey the Ten Commandments for a single day and neither can anyone else. A Catholic can never say they are “saved” (that would be the “sin of presumption”) because their salvation depends on if they can remain obedient and faithful to their church’s teachings right up until the moment of their death.

“I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!” – Galatians 2:21

Catholic friend, accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and ask the Lord to lead you to an evangelical church in your area that preaches the Gospel without compromise. Find your salvation and rest from religious strivings in Jesus Christ.


34 thoughts on “Evangelical Exodus?

  1. I remember having read a book years ago by Norman Geisler, but also recall that it was too deep of a reading material for me. Your blog is an important one and one that makes both Catholics and Evangelicals think. While I was in California a few months ago, I remember having listened to a Catholic radio station while driving. It was uncanny to me how much that Catholic radio station (sorry, can’t remember what the station was to tell you) sounded just like any ‘ole Christian radio station. They pointed out the importance of salvation, faith, prayer, etc. No talks at all about Mother Mary, the saints, or the sacraments. No matter what time of day I listened to that station, the words coming out of the radio hosts were really sumthin’. Had I not already known that they were a Catholic radio station, I would not have guessed it at all. It was just really sumthin’. I’m just relieved that it wasn’t a Mormon radio station.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for your encouragement. Yes, Catholicism runs the gamut from traditionalist Latin masses to charismatic gatherings. The Catholic station I listen to is associated with EWTN and is very conservative. Geisler and like-minded evangelicals are an enigma to me. He acknowledges the Catholic system does not include the Gospel and yet embraces it as Christian.

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  2. Tom, thank you for handling this tough read and reviewing it carefully! So many evangelical churches, writers, and seminaries are promoting Catholic authors, also including Teresa of Avila. It is a great slide away from truth. We know that Jesuits have entered the Church and posed as thorough-going evangelicals while promoting error. Just sayin’, as the saying goes. Answer me honestly should you disagree. Not being able to know for certain we MUST refrain from slander while saying be careful.

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    1. Thanks, Maria! Yes, this book was torturous reading. What a grind to get through it. My initial interest was due to my ex-pastor and I thought the book would provide some insight. Regarding the Jesuits, I’m sure there have been many efforts aimed at evangelicals over the centuries that will never be written about in history books. On the other other hand, there are were some Protestants (like Jack Chick) who blamed the Jesuits for every calamity. So, yes, I think we must be careful when we make specific accusations. I wonder about Billy Graham. No evangelical has done more to promote ecumenism and embrace Catholicism. Graham started out very savvy regarding Catholicism but he changed his outlook completely after W.R. Hearst (a Catholic) backed him and his 1949 Los Angeles crusade. Was a back-room deal made? No doubt.

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    1. Thanks, Steven. Yes, I’ve seen many similar Catholic claims regarding their authority, tradition > Bible, etc. But history argues quite well against Rome’s claim’s to being infallibly led by the Holy Spirit. The current pope teaches even atheists who follow their consciences and are “good” can also merit Heaven. I wouldn’t waste a second on any religious institution whose leader taught such a thing. Catholics like to brag that they produced the Bible (rather than giving any credit to the Holy Spirit) yet the Catholic church witheld the Bible from laypeople for centuries and never encouraged them to read it when they were finally forced to make it available.

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  3. Tom, I read this review aloud to my husband. He liked it too. His current reading matter is All Roads Lead to Rome?
    Thanks for thoughtful comments about the Counter-Reformation!

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    1. Thanks, Maria! Your husband’s book looks like a good one. I’m looking forward to reading an enjoyable book after struggling through Evangelical Exodus.

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      1. You’re welcome, Tom. Yes, a refreshing book perhaps? Something that is cool water in the desert.

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    1. Thanks for encouragement, Jackie! Oy! I remember “Evangelical Exodus” being such a difficult book to read. Geisler’s compromising has had serious consequences, but the author of the book seriously distorts the truth by taking this situation at one small seminary and proclaiming an “evangelical exodus.”

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      1. I had a rather lengthy discussion with my mom last night. She is convinced she is in the one true church and I am lost…or as she puts it, “you (me) don’t have the fullness of the truth, you only have partial truth. Only those who are in the Catholic Church have the ‘fullness’ of truth.” She is taking a class at her Church on Catholic Apologetics. I told her she should keep going and each week we could discuss what she’s learning and I will show her in the bible what the truth is. I’m praying for my Catholic family…this is over 3 generations of Catholicism we’re talking about…probably more.
        The sad part is, I believe the Lord called me here back in 2016 but I, like Jonah, went in the opposite direction. Now 3 of her siblings are dying of cancer…and at least 2 of them and my mom think I’m just “faith bashing”. I’m trying desparately to share the gospel but they are just offended that I don’t believe the Catholic Church teaching.

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      2. I said a prayer for your mom and aunts. I also remember what it was like to be proud of my institutional church and to feel sorry for those poor Protestants. My sons and many other family members also reject the Gospel. All we can do is pray for them and give them a reason for our hope when opportunities are given to us. I pray your Mom would be willing to discuss with you what she’s being taught in her apologetics class. That would be such an excellent opportunity.

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      1. I use to have some other profile picture that FB self-generated; but that cool hockey stick profile picture reduce the amount of atheist tolls lol than before I had it; I imagined it back then as I’m a guy that would out-bully the atheist intellectually; yeah I was a bit more firey back than lol

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      2. I’ve only seen the first “Halloween” (1978) and that was very scary. I just googled it and they’ve made 11 sequels. They just can’t seem to find a way to successfully stop Michael. Why hasn’t someone thought of using a cruise missile on him, yet?

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