
I was baptized into the Catholic church as an infant, had my first confession and received my first communion when I was seven, and was confirmed when I was ten. All of my parents’ six children attended parochial grammar and Catholic high school. I wouldn’t say my family was piously religious by any stretch, but we did attend mass every Sunday. I was an altar boy from 5th through 8th grades and even entertained the idea of being a priest someday, but lost most of my interest in religion by the time I went to high school. Like most Catholics my “faith” was just a part of my family and cultural baggage. I do remember having a bit of an epiphany in 6th grade when the question occurred to me, “If going to Heaven is a matter of obeying the Ten Commandments and church rules as Catholicism teaches, then why did Jesus have to die on the cross?” Little did I know the Holy Spirit was working in my heart even then.

“I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!” – Galatians 2:21

After my wife and I were married and our two sons were born, I was determined to be a responsible Dad and raise our children in the Catholic faith. I began attending mass again and even bought a Catholic Bible. Catholics aren’t generally encouraged to read the Bible and relatively few do. As I read the New Testament I discovered many discrepancies between God’s Word and Catholicism. I became so disillusioned that I stopped attending mass. As I continued to read the Bible a couple of born-again Christians witnessed to me at work. I found from the Bible that salvation cannot possibly be earned by baptism, church membership, obeying the Ten Commandments, or trying to be “good” as Catholicism teaches, salvation for sinful man is only by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ ALONE!

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.” – Ephesians 2:8-9

“Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” – John 14:6

My wife and I accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior in 1983 and began attending an independent fundamental Baptist church in the area. We grew somewhat in the Lord after eight years, but eventually the legalism of that church took its toll. I became exasperated and walked away from the Lord for 23 years because my trust had been in men rather than God. But thankfully the Lord was merciful and patient with me and kept calling me back to Him.

I returned to the Lord in 2014, but after my long absence I was surprised to see how many Evangelical pastors and para-church leaders were embracing Rome with its false “gospel” of salvation by sacramental grace and merit. But we’re not discouraged because our foundation is the Lord, not man.

108 thoughts on “About

    1. Suddenly, after 10 years of sales, my book is no longer available on Amazon website. My concern is certainly not with “SELLING” books. It is about sharing the truth of God’s Word with our Roman Catholic brothers and sisters in Christ and debunking the false doctrines of Roman Catholicism. If you happen to be aware of anyone contemplating joining and/or leaving the Roman Catholic Church, please share the following information with them. Thank You & GOD BLESS.


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      1. Hello Marlene, your arguments are really just about semantics. However, what matters is the Salvation of Souls. History tells us that the Catholic Church was founded by God Incarnate – Jesus Christ. Protestantism was founded by sinful human beings in the 16th century. Being founded by God, the Catholic Church teaches in the Bible that the Sacraments are necessary for the Salvation of Souls. The Fullness of the Church begins on Pentecost in Acts chapter 2 with the coming of the Holy Spirit. From that day on, to the very end of the Book of Revelation you will NEVER find a single example of a person being saved like a Protestant……. that is by “faith alone” and without a Catholic Sacrament. There can be no Salvation outside of the Catholic Church. I do hope and pray that you will reconsider what the Church teaches in the Bible about the Sacraments. God bless.


  1. Thank you for subscribing to my blog. I’m glad I found yours! If there is any way I can help you do this work, please let me know,

    Liked by 1 person

  2. There’s only one thing that I question about those who say they are Catholic, but swear in Jesus’ and God’s name as part of their everyday language. Just how can that be? Just makes me shudder in sadness.

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    1. I too had joined a fundamental Baptist church for several years. Now, I attend a nondenominational one. But I very much miss singing hymns like they do in the Baptist Churches, as the one I now attend usually has contemporary Christian music.

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      1. Same deal with me. I also now attend a non-denominational church that has Baptist roots. And my church also uses contemporary Christian music only. They are definitely trying to reach the younger crowd (I’m 59) but you would think they would have a hymn now and then for the older crowd. It appears all the “worship”/song leaders are in their 20s.

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    2. Many Catholics will argue that they are able to obey the Law so as to merit Heaven. They do not see themselves as sinners without a single plea of their own. But, of course, they break God’s Laws on a daily basis just like we all do. They will argue they have never killed anyone or cheated on their spouse but Christ pointed out in Matthew 5 that the Law condemns our hearts not just our actions. No one will be justified before a Holy God without Christ.

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      1. There’s only been 1 time in my life when someone had verbally gone ballistic on me that I was talking to someone else about the Bible. He started arguing about how I could believe in the Bible when it says to cut off one’s hand if it makes one sin? Come to find out later, he’s one who makes sure to look for a Catholic church to attend as soon as he arrives to wherever he travels to because he wants to make sure that he attends Mass there. I had to wonder what he thought whenever the reading of the Bible part occurs during Mass. Sigh.

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      2. Yes, I’ve also talked with Catholic friends about the Bible and they have said it is a dangerous book…that the church must interpret it for you. There’s obviously many things in the Bible that disagree with Catholicism.

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      1. Yup, we have to keep our priorities straight. I have a ton of personal emails I really need to respond to that have been building up because I would much rather post messages on the blog. I saw “Palmyra” and I immediately thought you were a Palmyra, NY neighbor – we’re about 25 miles away – and I thought we could have some great discussions on Joseph Smith (he started out in Palmyra) but I see you’re in a much warmer climate.

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      2. Well that is rather funny Tom. My Plamyra is just a church and cemetary and some Chicken farms and a few houses. I did however live in Utah for a while so the name Joseph Smith is not foreign to me. And on the blogging I am doing just the opposite and slowing down writing so I can catch up talking to people and reading their blogs lol. I’ll get back on track next weel though.

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  3. Hello brother! I just read your comment on Andi’s blog after I finally responded to her question as to why I linked Luke 6:20-26 with Marcus’ video about Joel Osteen and others (link: https://kingdomdaughterblog.wordpress.com/2016/02/18/watch-responding-to-kirk-franklin-and-joel-olsteen-on-youtube/comment-page-1/#comment-716) It is always refreshing to find another like-minded Christ-follower! If the Lord so moves you, visit the The Lord Is With Us, the blog He has given me to steward – ( link: http://thelordiswithus.com/ ) God bless you.

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  4. Oh, but praise God it is Jesus who builds His Church on the rock of our confession that He is the Christ! As I learned from Watchman Nee and T.Austin-Sparks, the true state of the Church is unity with Christ here in the heavenly realms (think Ephesians and Colossians…); we must not be deceived by what we SEE in the temporary, but be encouraged by what we DON’T SEE but KNOW in the eternal! In simple words, God’s got this, and let’s REST is knowing and believing Him! 😊

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    1. Thanks for your comment. As you know, the NT refers to “saints” many times but NEVER as super Christians who lived completely sanctified lives. That’s a Roman invention. Saints are all those who accepted Christ as Savior and are sanctified in Him. The first papal “canonization” didn’t take place until 993. All those who place their trust completely in Jesus as Savior will be saved, all those who are trusting in their own righteousness will not see God (Luke 18:9-14). Catholics talk about grace and faith but the bottom line according to Catholic teaching is if a person obeyed the Ten Commandments (impossible!) and church rules. I wonder why a Catholic would even spend another second in their church when their recent popes have declared everyone in all religions, and even atheists, will merit salvation if they are “good.” But the Bible says no one is good except God (Luke 18:19), which is why Jesus came into the world to die for our sins. If salvation were a matter of being even somewhat “good,” then Christ died in vain (Gal. 2:21). Every religion says you must merit salvation/nirvana via being “good.” Only Christianity says you can’t be good, which is why Jesus died on the cross and offers salvation to all those who accept Him via His imputed, perfect righteousness. Accept Jesus as your Savior. Church membership and sacraments don’t save. Being “good” doesn’t save. Your popes can’t be believed because they say everyone who is “good” will be saved. May the Holy Spirit lead you to the only One who is capable of saving you.

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      1. Hey Tom,

        Thanks for the response! Unfortunately I will not be able to continue the discussion after this post (I am moving overseas in two days), but I will say this: the Church has never taught that we earn salvation; the Council of Trent makes this clear, as do a number of papal pronouncements etc. Rather, we must not spurn God’s grace, which leads us to Him. We can make a shipwreck of our faith, but we will be saved if we persevere in love.

        No one is saved without Jesus; this is the constant teaching of the Church:



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  5. I found your blog through a comment you left on Maria’s blog (Pilgrim’s Progress), and was interested in your journey as a baptized ex-Catholic.

    The schism between Catholics and Protestants is of great interest to me. I read blogs similar to yours, but from Protestants who share the same testimony of evangelicals led by the Holy Spirit into communion with the Catholic Church.

    This is all too confusing, but I’m trying to sort it out. I mean, people that I trust who are a lot smarter than me — people who have gone through Seminary and been ordained — have become disillusioned with the apostate trend of the Protestant Church , and embraced the Catholic Church as the true church of God.

    The claim that I hear repeatedly is that the Catholic Church teaches salvation by works, but this isn’t what I have found in my exhaustive research. What I have read and heard from official documents, Bishops, priests and laity is that Catholics believe in justification by faith just as Protestants believe; but as Martin Luther disputed the Book of James (because of James 2:24) Catholics, on the other hand, believe in the sanctifying grace of the Holy Spirit working in us and through us to produce good fruit.

    That we are not saved by the law, Catholics do not disagree but recognize that the moral law is fulfilled in love. Love is an act of faith, and we are saved just for these good works which sanctify, or perfect us in the image of Christ.

    Jesus said that a branch that bears no fruit is cut off (John 15:1-11) which suggests that our salvation is contingent upon abiding in Christ. The problem with Luther’s sola fide is, taken to the extreme, it has produced a church that is unconfessional, unrepentant and fruitless.

    “Jesus Christ did everything — I don’t have to do anything.”

    Catholic Church doctrine states:

    “We confess together that persons are justified by faith in the gospel “apart from works prescribed by the law” (Rom 3:28). Christ has fulfilled the law and by his death and resurrection has overcome it as a way to salvation. We also confess that God’s commandments retain their validity for the justified and that Christ has by his teaching and example expressed God’s will which is a standard for the conduct of the justified also.”

    Our works, our conduct, our abiding in Christ are the fruit of our faith, the outward manifestation that we have been justified inwardly. Absent this fruit our faith is dead, and there is no salvation. That’s what James taught. That’s what the Catholic Church teaches. And that’s what Martin Luther opposed.

    I am just working out my own salvation with fear and trembling, but when you strip away the peculiarities of the Catholic Church it seems to rise above the apostasy of the Protestant Church.

    (For the record, I am not a member of any church but the body of Christ.)

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    1. Thanks so much for your comments. Catholics and evangelical Christians share some doctrines but differ on many others, the most important being how a person appropriates the free gift of salvation offered by Jesus Christ. Catholicism states salvation is via the grace “infused” into the supplicant through its sacraments, enabling the Catholic to “cooperate with grace” and merit salvation by obeying the Ten Commandments. So, Catholics will say salvation is by grace but also admit obedience to the Law is required. That is not good news. In fact, that’s very bad news. Every Catholic must hope they do not have one single “mortal” sin on their soul right up until the moment of their death. They have no joy or peace in Jesus Christ as their Savior. They are trusting in their own ability to obey the Law, an impossibility, rather than in Christ.

      In contrast, Bible Christians attest to the Good News! of salvation by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone. We are the publicans of Luke 18:9-14. We are sinners with absolutely no plea of our own except for the perfect righteousness of the Savior who died in our place. I sin every day either in thought, word, deed, or omission. Woe is me if I had to obey the Law to earn admission to Heaven as Catholics are taught. Yes, after we have accepted Christ as Savior, and only then, do we follow Him in obedience, and that only imperfectly. But our miserable efforts could never be our justification before a Holy God as Catholicism teaches. Evangelicals don’t stumble over James 2. A person who has genuinely accepted Christ and is indwelt by the Holy Spirit will manifest works of charity.

      You mention “the apostasy of the Protestant church,” demonstrating quite a bit of a presuppositional attitude. Unlike Catholics, I’m not interested in defending a religious institution, but only the Gospel of salvation by grace through faith. People are attracted to institutions for their history (though not always complimentary), ritual, pageantry, worldly wisdom, etc., but the Holy Spirit has done His greatest work in the hearts of repentant sinners rather than within the walls of hierarchical institutions that gloried in wealth, power, and control for century after century. I’m so grateful for the Reformers but they would be the first to tell you they were only sinners saved by grace. Yes, mainline Protestantism has fallen into apostasy but the apostasy of Rome is beyond compare. Yes, some who claimed to once have been evangelicals have joined with Rome but I don’t believe anyone who genuinely knows Christ as Savior would trade forgiveness for chains. For every alleged former evangelical who has embraced Rome and is promoted by EWTN there are former priests and nuns who have come out of Catholicism and embraced Christ.

      Below is one of my recent posts that discusses the opposing views of Catholicism’s “infusion” of grace through its sacraments, allegedly enabling the Catholic to obey the Law and merit Heaven, versus the “imputation” of Christ’s perfect righteousness to the repentant sinner who accepts Him as Savior; to sinners without a single plea of their own.

      If you are seriously interested in the differences between Catholicism and Biblical Christianity, and I hope you are, I recommend “The Gospel According to Rome” by James McCarthy. It’s readily available at Amazon. I’d be interested in knowing your thoughts after you’ve read it.


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  6. I’m reading Michael Hesemann’s recent work on Mary of Nazareth and he devotes an entire chapter to the Loreto House and Legend. It seems a Byzantine ruler of the House of Angeloi (angels) had the house removed and brought to Italy. A certain prelate had the house dropped on his otherwise insignificant diocese. Makes sense. The Vatican has never committed to the legend and there’s documentary proof about the stones having been removed before the invading Turks. The materials of the house are clearly from the Holy Land, along with the style of hewn rock, etc. The house dimensions fit perfectly onto the original site. Very detailed discussion. You can read a few pages for free at books.google.com Hope you find your way back – beyond the legends which centuries of popular piety and even superstition have created, there’s usually a substantial kernel of truth. In any event, I wish you all the best nevertheless.

    Robert Shea
    St. Louis


    1. Hi Robert, RE:”Hope you find your way back – beyond the legends which centuries of popular piety and even superstition have created, there’s usually a substantial kernel of truth”…

      The Catholic church does get some things right – orthodox Christology is one – but the kernels of truth are buried beneath a mountain of man-made tradition, superstition, ritual, and, yes, even idolatry. Simple, saving faith in Jesus Christ became lost. Catholics focus on such physical, temporal things as the Loreto house, the shroud of Turin, liturgy, sacramentals, church buildings, etc. rather than admitting their bankrupt spiritual condition and accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior by faith alone.

      I would never return to the chains of a works religion that teaches even atheists are able to merit salvation by being “good.” That’s not Christianity. No one is good but God. Accept Christ and ask the Lord to lead you to an evangelical church in your area that teaches God’s Word without compromise.

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  7. I just read your testimony that The Good Lord has give you to share! IT IS AWESOME! I had made a comment on one of your posts about being surprised at how many “Protest”ants I had also found when I was brought out of catholicism that were embracing it (not in those exact words 🙂 ) !

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    1. Thanks for the encouraging comments, Elizabeth! We have much to be grateful for, having been freed from religious chains and having our eyes opened to the Gospel of grace.

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  8. Thank you for your website! I found it after a friend who I thought was a born-again sister in the Lord posted “pope” Francis’s “come back to the lord” call and Googling what exactly he’d said etc.

    Quote: “The Church offers us the Lenten practices of prayer, almsgiving, and fasting which Pope Francis calls a “soothing remedy”. Prayer allows us to eradicate “secret lies” and “self-deception,” and we find “the consolation God offers,” he says. Almsgiving frees us from greed; it helps us regard others as brothers and sisters. “How I would like almsgiving to become a genuine style of life for each of us!” he says. Fasting “weakens our tendency to violence” reviving “our desire to obey God,” who alone can satisfy our hunger.”

    My friend’s post was a pretty little Facebook post (I’m unable to post pic here, but you can search “do you want to fast this lent” and it’ll come up in images.
    I’m praying before responding as it needs to be “truth with love” speaking, but this kind of thing happens TOO frequently among so-called evangelical, Bible believing followers of Jesus Christ – quoting Theresa of Calcutta, head of the RC religion in Rome, Gandhi, mystics, false teachers etc etc. And it’s spurred me to write against it and pray against it! It won’t be long before people will be stuffing fingers in their ears and not responding that I have a point…but still thinking I’m being unloving and intolerant! Anyway, I’m looking forward to reading your articles, looks like a good amount of relevant topics. My hubby and I got graciously saved by grace thru Faith over 30years ago, out of the RC religion and no way would we ever go back to that prison, nor let anyone (family or friend or otherwise) have any misconception that there is salvation in that false religion. Sorry I’ve gone on, I’m not very concise in writing!

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    1. Thanks for the comments, Cassey! I’m so happy you and your husband accepted Christ as Savior by faith alone and came out of the RCC! Yes, there is much compromise and betrayal of the Gospel by some ecumenical evangelicals these days. This muddying of the Gospel is no help to Catholics who need to accept Christ instead of trusting in their church. God bless you in your efforts and I hope we can keep up a corresondence going forward.


  9. When asked if she was in a state of grace, Joan of Arc said: “If I am, may God keep me there, but if I’m not, may God put me there.”

    I’ve always loved that quote!


    1. Thanks but sinful human beings can never be in a sinless “state of grace.” Jesus Christ is the only One to ever lived a sinless life and He offered up His life as payment for the sin debt that we owe. But He rose from the grave, conquering sin and death and He offers the gift of eternal life to all those who repent of their sins and accept Him as Savior by faith alone.

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      1. all who repent of their sins?

        sounds like works salvation Tom.

        the truth is that salvation, justification, and sanctification all come through one instrumental cause.

        its in Titus 3:5-7, 1 Cor 6:11, Eph 5:26, Heb 10:22, John 3:5, and everywhere you see “justified by faith”, because faith is connected with water Baptism in the name of Jesus Christ.

        i know you dont want to believe that. you dont want to believe justification came through a ceremony or rite. but it is so.

        look closely:

        “And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:”
        ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭3:9 kjv

        what is “the faith of Christ”?

        it is connected with “through the washing of regeneration…”, which justifies us.

        if justification involves a change in the interior man, then protestantism falls apart.

        being imputed the personal
        righteousness of Christ is no regeneration and it is not being born again! it is a fabrication by men who had seared consciences and wanted salvation guaranteed apart from their works, no matter how evil.

        you say that the man who is “good” will not see heaven, but only the one who has faith in the imputed righteousness of Christ to his account.

        guess what? that is nowhere to be found in scripture. instead, Jesus said “unless your righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisees you will not enter the Kingdom of God.”

        Ezekiel 18 says the man who does what is right will live. it also says:

        “The one who sins is the one who will die. The child will not share the guilt of the parent, nor will the parent share the guilt of the child. The righteousness of the righteous will be credited to them, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against them.”
        ‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭18:20‬ ‭

        it does not say that the righteousness of the future savior will be credited to anyone.

        Gods word never changes.

        “Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey—whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?”
        ‭‭Romans‬ ‭6:16‬ ‭

        we were justified through the faith (religion) of Christ which provides Holy Baptism to regenerate us and wash away our sins. Man submits, but God regenerates the soul. the HS is poured out onto us to sanctify us, and YES, putting us in a state of grace.

        “none are righteous, no not one.”

        now the Baptized man is righteous, because scripture and the Church have said so.

        but he must keep his purity intact. Jesus said “if you would enter into life, keep the Commandments.”

        He wasnt telling a lie or being sarcastic. God doesnt confuse men, but tells them the truth.

        Jesus kept the law, to be the
        perfect sinless sacrifice to the Father to merit grace for men. Jesus was obedient not for his law-keeping account to be imputed to anyone, but obedient unto DEATH so many could be justified through Him. the obedience is not many acts, but ONE act:

        “In conclusion, just as through one transgression condemnation came upon all, so through one righteous act acquittal and life came to all. For just as through the disobedience of one person the many were made sinners, so through the obedience of one the many will be made righteous.”
        ‭‭Romans‬ ‭5:18-19‬ ‭NABRE‬‬

        “he humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross.”
        ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2:8

        the obedience is death. not law-keeping so that record could be credited to men.

        God will not be mocked, Tom. What a man sows so shall he reap, and that will never change.

        you will say, “man cannot keep the commandments”. perfectly? no.
        but John the apostle made a distinction of deadly and non-deadly sin.

        you said the Catholic has no hope and lives in a constant state of worry about falling into a mortal sin and dying that way.

        there have been Catholics like that. overly scrupulous men and woman who couldnt trust Gods mercy and had no faith in the power of the sacraments which Jesus himself gave the Church. Jesus gave
        the apostles the authority to forgive sin (after Baptism). John 20:23.

        this is already known to you. why do you deny it then? because any protestant MUST deny it who thinks salvation is by faith alone.

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      2. I’m sadly amused by militant Catholics such as yourself who expend so much energy defending their church as you’ve done with this long comment when the RCC declares that people of all religions and even atheists may also merit Heaven if they are “good” and “sincere.” 80% of your membership don’t attend obligatory weekly mass and 90% don’t participate in mandatory yearly confession, but why should they bother when their pope says atheists are good to go if they follow their conscience? Catholicism is (c)hristianity without Jesus Christ. Your “faith” is faith in your religious institution and its sacramentalism, not in Christ. You deny righteousness through Christ and seek to establish your own righteousness. Romans 10:3

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      3. I’m curious, you say: now the Baptized man is righteous, because scripture and the Church have said so.
        I’d like to focus on the word “man”. The Catholic Church baptizes babies…I was baptized as a baby in the Catholic Church…it had nothing to do with my consent as a sinner choosing Christ as my Savior. However, while I do not believe it is required, I believe Baptism is an outward profession of an inward decision to die to my “old self” and be born again into new life in Christ. When He saved me out of the darkness I came to know through my own sinful nature and Catholicism which was handed down to me through my heritage, it was my desire a few months later to make that “public declaration”. I was baptized as an adult; fully submerged in the water. It was a beautiful testimony to my CHOICE to follow Christ…but just like the thief on the cross next to Jesus, if I had died before I was baptized, I still would have been in Heaven with my Savior because He saved me and I had already CHOSEN Him to be my Lord. May your eyes be opened to the truth and your heart made soft to receive His salvation.

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  10. Hello Tom, good mornin. It’s been a long while since we’ve visited, and I have a question that only you can answer.

    I enjoyed you sentiments expressed here in this article! 👍
    In particular, the truth that salvation is obtained only by grace through faith. (Amen! I heartily agree).

    However, in some cases I’ve encountered people who claim salvation is only by grace through faith, but will also believe (but won’t always say) that one must repent of their sins in addition to faith to be justified before God.

    I personally believe that good works will follow justification, but the Holy Ghost working within a person isn’t necessarily expressed in the same way for every person. And a circumcised heart is what I look for as verification that a sinner has become a saint, has crossed over from spiritual death, to spiritual life. But “repentance of sins” is not a component or requirement of someone’s justification before God. We can’t do that perfectly, (perfection is required to enter God’s Kingdom), and moreover, non Christians can stop the identical sins that a Christian can stop. Therefore stopping a sin/sins can’t verify that someone’s become a Christian necessarily, (A.A. for example).

    So that’s my take on the subject, (albeit imperfect, I’m a work in progress).

    What is your perspective my friend?

    Have a blessed day. 😇

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    1. Good Saturday Morning, Lee. We have discussed this issue of repentance several times. I believe you’re still interpreting repentance from sins/sinfulness/disobedience/rebelliousness against God as some kind of self-reform pledge to stop sinning in much the same way as Rome defines “doing penance.” But repenting of sins/sinfulness/disobedience actually means turning from rebellion against God to trusting in Christ. Everyone who has ever trusted in Christ has turned (repented) from their sinful rebellion and placed their trust in Christ. That obviously doesn’t mean they’re never going to sin again, it only means they are in agreement with God about their sinfulness and their need of the Savior. I’m providing the link below to an article which discusses the topic.

      Have a blessed day.

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      1. I agree with your thoughts here buddy.

        Repentance (as it relates to our justification): is turning from not believing on Jesus/false religion … To believing on Jesus exclusively as one’s Saviour.

        I guess I forgot our previous visit about this.

        And good mornin to you!😀

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      2. Thanks, Jackie! Many mistakenly attack “repentance,” thinking it’s a work when repentance is actually turning from sinful disbelief and rebellion to trusting in Christ. I think there’s many today who “give their hearts to Jesus” or some such phrase without ever Biblically repenting to salvation, turning from unbelief to Christ.


  11. Wow! Thank you for this. I’m so glad I found your blog! Michael at: https://quotesthoughtsrandom.wordpress.com gave me your link and I’m so glad that he did! You have a wonderful testimony. I’ve just started blogging and the Lord has impressed upon my heart to start talking about my Catholic past and how He is leading me into the truth of His word and His grace, forgiveness and mercy. He is a good God…and He is not angry with me like I always believed. I look forward to more of your posts!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks again, Jackie! I look forward to your posts! Although there is compromise and betrayal all around us as some evangelicals are accepting Catholicism, we are able to stand upon God’s Word and testify to the Truth. Yes, what a difference being a child of God and knowing His salvation by His grace rather than wondering if my good deeds were ever going to be good enough.

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    1. Thanks, Michael! Yes, I’ve read some news articles and just finished watching a short report on ABC television. All of this in only one region of PA. Catholic seminaries with their rule of mandatory celibacy both attracted and fostered deviance. As bad as this is – and it’s sickening – the worst part is that hundreds of millions of Catholics throughout history have never heard the Gospel of grace.

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  12. Both Catholics and Protestants believe in sola gratia. The disagreement is on sola fide. Skimming this site and these comments I haven’t seen one person demonstrate an accurate understanding of Catholicism.


    1. Actually, I believe I present Catholic teaching quite accurately after having been a Catholic for 27 years and studying it extensively since then.

      While Catholics claim to believe in sola gratia, it’s all a smokescreen. Catholics say grace infused by the sacraments enables them to obey the Ten Commandments (impossible!) and church rules and to “hopefully” merit their salvation at the end. Despite the sophistry, at the bottom line Catholicism is a works righteousness religion.

      What’s really interesting is that conservative cardinals and bishops strongly oppose pope Francis and his progressive allies in their efforts to “reform” church teaching. Which side do you support?


  13. Yaaay! That is so great that you and your wife both turned to Jesus for real.

    I was trying to find a “contact me” type link, but I cannot locate it on your page. I wonder if you might be so kind as to message me, as I have some questions I suspect you might be able to help answer. My contact info is on my blog home page.

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  14. Thanks for your work brother! I am editor of http://www.thechristianexpositor.org and have been working for the Lord for 40 years after finding Christ (and free and full salvation!) while ‘investigating’ Mormonism. The website for TCE is nowhere as slick as yours and, when I have the time (the Lord willing as He may take me home soon if my health deteriorates further – but Alleluiah: 2 Corinthians 5v6f.; Philippians 1v21f.), I hope to switch from Publisher 2000 to WordPress! I found your site while searching for a Polish translation of Peter de Rosa’s ‘Vicar’s of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy’ to give to a Polish family in Cardiff, UK, who have spotted some of the errors of Rome’s priests but clearly don’t recognise that the Roman Catholic Church is, in fact, the biggest and most evil ‘Christian cult’ in the history of the world! Only Islam rivals Rome for murderous evil acts as TCE endeavours to point out as clearly as possible. But – I digress! If you can think of anyway to get a Polish translation I would be exceedingly grateful. If only ‘The Berean Call’ had a translation of ‘A Woman Rides the Beast’ I would give them that, but Spanish is the only other language it seems to exist in? I would like to end with this advice to all seeking to follow Jesus as close as possible – the prophecy of Amos 8:11 (NASB) – 11 “Behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord GOD, “When I will send a famine on the land, Not a famine for bread or a thirst for water, But rather for hearing the words of the LORD” – nears by the day. The ‘church’ I attend in Cardiff is peopled mainly by ‘cafeteria Christians’ who believe that everyone who lives ‘a good moral life’ will get to heaven! Seriously, there is hardly a born-again Christian to be found there and the new pastor has a mountainous climb ahead of him. Rejoice loudly if you attend an ekklesia (‘church’) full of born-again Christians anywhere in the world. If you know any online ministries that rival thebereancall.org and wayoflife.org in warning genuine Christians that ‘The Great Apostasy’ is here (and who, and where, the heretics hiding in plain view are to be found) please put the information on your web-pages – every ministry faithful to the Word of God is as vital as ever in these days. May He bless you and all those who visit your site, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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    1. Hi David! Thanks for your comments! Praise God for your ministry! There aren’t enough discerning believers out there warning the sheep of the growing ecumenical deception. I’ve added a link to your site on my “Links” page. I’m sorry to hear about your health and pray the Lord upholds you. I was greatly blessed by Dave Hunt and his ministry. I don’t visit the Berean Call as much as I should. I wish I knew of Gospel materials available in Polish. I am half-Polish on my father’s side and I know Poles and Polish-Americans are steeped in Roman Catholicism. I wrote a post about Poland and the Gospel a couple of years ago:


      1. Thanks Tom, I really appreciate that and will check out your post tomorrow. I’ve spent the last hour searching online bookshops that sell Polish books in the UK – but not yet successful. Must pray more and perhaps the Lord will show an alternative way to reach these dear people, who don’t read in English too well, with the truth. Sleep may help, too!

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  15. We do not earn salvation. We are not worthy of salvation. Christ died to give us salvation through his mercy. However, to sin is to reject God. Deliberate sin is to re-crucify Christ. It is true that we are saved by grace and without grace we could do nothing good. Christ’s suffering was sufficient, but to sin is to reject our Lord. So, are you saying that Christ won’t punish us for sinning? Matthew 5:48 states: “You, therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Or what are the Ten Commandments for if all we have to do is believe? “You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder.” (James 2:19)

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    1. Your argument is interesting. First you state that Catholics do not try to earn salvation, but then you insist that the salvation must be earned.

      You quote Matthew 5:48, “You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.,” as your marching orders, but if you are honest, you could not be morally perfect for one day let alone a lifetime, which is why Jesus had to die for your sins. It is only by His imputed perfect righteousness that a person can be righteous in God’s sight. Accept Him as your Savior by faith alone and THEN follow Him in obedience, albeit imperfectly in this world. See the article below for more information.

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      1. I understand where you get your idea. We certainly cannot obtain perfection in this life. We can avoid all of what is called deliberate sin through much suffering. That is what purgatory is for, so that God doesn’t have to send everyone (except maybe a few really holy people) to hell. “If any man’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire.” (I Corinthians 3:15) So, what is the meaning of “Accept Him as your Savior by faith alone” if even demons believe in God? I’m not trying to corner you with logic here. I honestly don’t what understand that means. Also, I did not say we can earn salvation. To say “We earn salvation” is to say “We deserve salvation.” We, sinners, all only deserve to go to hell. By God’s mercy and Christ’s suffering we have a chance at eternal life. You seem to be saying that we need to accept Christ and ought to obey Him. That is true. However, if I am understanding you correctly, you are also saying that if we disobey Him, we will not be punished. Of course, we will obey Him if we love Him, but, if I understand what you are trying to say, the important part is to have faith in Him, not love Him. So, if we sin all we want, could we not still easily make it to heaven if we have faith in our Lord? Note, many Bible verses refer to punishment for sin. (“Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin; and sin when it is full-grown brings forth death.” James 1:15, “Not every one who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 7:21, “If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it away; it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away; it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell.” Matthew 5:29-30, “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.” 2 Corinthians 5:10, etc.) You quote Romans and Galatians. The thing is, St. Paul addresses the Judaizers in these epistles. By “works” he means “works of the levitical law”. When he talks about faith apart from works, he does not mean faith apart from works of mercy, but faith apart from circumcision, mixing linen and wool, avoiding bacon, and so forth.
        As for the link, any Catholic who says: “I am a Catholic. Why should I consider becoming a Christian?” clearly doesn’t know enough about the Catholic faith. I’m not sure if it did justice to the Catholic faith, but I won’t get into all that here. It was a bit long so I only skimmed it. I am actually considering writing an essay arguing that Catholics are Christians on my blog. Scripture says we have been saved (2 Timothy 1:9), we are being saved (1 Corinthians 1:18), and we will be saved (Romans 5:9-10). Salvation therefore works in all three tenses. Sorry this is long. I hope I got all the objections.

        PS: I agree that the Catholic Church doesn’t stress reading scripture enough nowadays.
        PPS: Yes, I read the Bible; no, I’m not a convert from Protestantism.
        PPPS: Thanks for being civil. I love civil discussions about the faith.
        PPPPS: I’m sorry if “The Catholic of Honor” comes off as pretentious. I was trying to go for the “knight of Christ” theme. See my home page on my blog for further details.


      2. Although I did when I first began this blog, I quickly learned that I could not devote a lot of time to Roman Catholic bloggers looking for a debate. I found that such debates are endless and don’t satisfy anyone and take away from the time I need to get the message of the genuine Gospel out to those who are genuinely searching. Below is an index to a 34-part series in which I rebutted the arguments of Catholic apologist, Dave Armstrong, in his book, “The Catholic Verses.” I responded to all of the points you raise. I’m currently engaged in another series on Fridays responding to a book by a different Catholic apologist.


        All pseudo-Christian, works-righteousness sects and cults use the Bible to justify their brand of merited salvation. The “red thread” of the Gospel of salvation by God’s grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone runs through the Old Testament and is elucidated in the New Testament. But just as the lawyers,scribes, and Pharisees of 1st century Palestine missed the Messiah prophesied in the OT when He was standing right in front of them, works-righteousness faux-Christians miss the Gospel of grace so that “they may indeed see but not perceive, and may indeed hear but not understand, lest they should turn and be forgiven.”

        I’m always surprised by Catholics who zealously defend their religion when their popes and prelates grant that all non-Catholic religionists and even atheists may also possibly merit their salvation if they are “sincere” and “good.” That’s not the Christianity that the apostles preached and died for. No one is righteous and no one is holy. There is none righteous, no not one. If you could merit your salvation as the Catholic church teaches you must, Jesus Christ would not have had to die.

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      3. According to Francis and Robert Barron, “good” atheists can be saved. According to Vatican II, Muslims can be saved by being “good”. So why does anyone need to become a Romanist?

        Vatican II: But the plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator. In the first place amongst these there are the Moslems, these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind’s judge on the last day. Nor is God Himself remote from those who in shadows and images seek the unknown God, since he gives to all men life and breath and all things (cf. Acts 17:25–28), and since the Saviour wills all men to be saved (cf. 1 Tim. 2:4). Those who, who through no fault of their own, do not know the gospel of Christ or His Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and, moved by grace, try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience—those too may achieve eternal salvation. Vatican Council II The Conciliar and Post Conciliar Documents, Austin Flannery, O.P., General Editor (Boston: St. Paul Editions, 1980), Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium II:16, p. 367.

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      4. So true. Traditionalist Catholics are very troubled by their church’s post-conciliar universalism but cannot get the horse back in the barn.


      5. RE: By “works” he means “works of the levitical law”

        I find it hilarious how Romanists love to slam Luther for adding the word “alone” in his translation of Romans 3:28, but here we have an addition of the word “levitical”.

        You are incorrect though.

        Paul let’s us know what it means in Gal 3:10 quoting Deut 27:26. So works of the law means EVERYTHING in the Torah, the five books of Moses, including works of mercy.

        Please listen to your own Pope:

        Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger): And he adds “we hold that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the law” (ibid., v. 28). At this point Luther translated: “justified by faith alone”. I shall return to this point at the end of the Catechesis. First, we must explain what is this “Law” from which we are freed and what are those “works of the Law” that do not justify. ……

        So what does the Law from which we are liberated and which does not save mean? For St Paul, as for all his contemporaries, the word “Law” meant the Torah in its totality, that is, the five books of Moses.
        The wall is no longer necessary; our common identity within the diversity of cultures is Christ, and it is he who makes us just. Being just simply means being with Christ and in Christ. And this suffices. Further observances are no longer necessary. For this reason Luther’s phrase: “faith alone” is true, if it is not opposed to faith in charity, in love.


        Liked by 2 people

      6. SB, thanks for providing these clarifications regarding the attempts of many Catholics to split hairs over “works” and “good works.”


    1. Catholicism claims “salvation by grace,” but the caveat is that the grace from the sacraments is alleged to enable the partakers to “hopefully” merit their salvation (CCC 2010). Bottom line for Catholics.is works and merit. I’m always surprised when Catholics zealously defend their religion when your popes and prelates grant that all non-Catholic religionists and evening atheists may also possibly merit their salvation if they are “sincere” and “good.”


  16. The word ‘hopefully’ is not in CCC 2010. Did you share the wrong paragraph by mistake? The paragraph says that we can merit for ourselves the graces needed for sanctification ONLY IF we are moved by the Holy Spirit and charity. It also says we cannot merit the initial grace of forgiveness and justificaiton, which is just to say that salvation is impossible without grace.

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    1. RE: Hopefully

      The Roman Catholic church officially teaches that no one can presume salvation, if they do they commit the “sin of presumption,” which the RCC defines as “hoping to obtain…glory without merit” (CCC 2092).

      Yes, I’m quite aware of Catholicism’s claims of baptism being regenerative. Catholics plead (sacramental) grace! grace! with their mouths as they concurrently attempt to merit their salvation.

      “But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works; otherwise grace would no longer be grace.” – Romans 11:6



      1. It’s funny how honest how Trent was about merit-based Salvation. Romanists need to read Trent and books by actual theologians like Ludwig Ott, rather than the garbage put out by Dave Armstrong and Karlo Broussard.

        Trent Session 6 CANON XXXII.-If any one saith, that the good works of one that is justified are in such manner the gifts of God, as that they are not also the good merits of him that is justified; or, that the said justified, by the good works which he performs through the grace of God and the merit of Jesus Christ, whose living member he is, does not truly merit increase of grace, eternal life, and the attainment of that eternal life,-if so be, however, that he depart in grace,-and also an increase of glory; let him be anathema.

        Ludwig Ott: (By his good works the justified man really acquires a claim to supernatural reward from God, (De fide.))

        …..The Council of Trent teaches that for the justified eternal life is both a gift or grace promised by God and a reward for his own good works and merits (D 809). As God’s grace is the presupposition and foundation of (supernatural) good works, by which man merits eternal life, so salutary works are, at the same time gifts of God and meritorious acts of man : cuius (sc. Dei) tanta est erga omnes homines bonitas, ut eorum velit esse merita, cpiae sunt ipsius dona. D. 810; cf. 141. The Council is speaking here of true ” merit (verc mereri : D 842), that is, of meritum de condigno. Cf. 835 et seq. Dr. Ludwig Ott, Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, Edited in English by James Canon Bastible, D.D., Translated from the German by Patrick Lynch, Ph.D., Roman Catholic Books, 2012, Book Four, Section 2, Chap 3.23, By his good works the justified man really acquires a claim to supernatural reward from God, (De fide.) Pg 264

        John Hardon´s Catechism Q&A 1096.What can we merit supernaturally? We can supernaturally merit for ourselves an increase of sanctifying grace and the infused virtues, actual graces and a title to them, the right to enter heaven if we die in the divine friendship, and an increase of happiness in heaven. John Hardon, S.J., The Question and Answer Catholic Catechism (New York: Doubleday, 1981), p. 220.

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      2. Thanks for the references! Armstrong and Broussard are Catholic apologists “of the highest theological rigor” compared to pragmatic pastoralist, pope Francis.


  17. Greetings Tom,

    I found your blog by the providence of God. I jumped on during week 3 of the “Forty Answers to Forty Reasons…” series. I have found the material engaging, interesting, timely and encouraging. I look forward to next week and every week after that!

    I have been meeting with a group of devout learned Catholic men every Saturday for about a year. I convinced them to read through the bible together, so each week we read one chapter out loud then discuss the chapter. My heart is continually burdened for these men. The more I learn about Catholicism and hear how deeply ingrained the Catholic doctrine is within them, I am tempted to despair for the darkness they are in. I’m very open about my Protestant faith (I am an evangelical Christian of the reformed stripe) and as transparent as possible. They obviously do not trust my perpspective (the Solas) or my hermeneutic.

    I realize that I will never “reason” them out of the Cathlic faith, only God can change their heart and minds by giving them “The Truth”. So, I was encouraged to find your blog and hear that it is possible for a RC to make it out of the Church of Rome and into the true Church of the Living Christ!

    I am praying daily about whether or not I should continue on with these guys, because I know that we do not share true fellowship in the Holy Spirit or the person of Christ. Yet, they continue to tolerate me and have not asked me to leave.

    I’m constantly reading and thinking about Cathlolic doctrines/practices and constantly arguing internally from scripture, trying to prepare mysef for possible future conversations. I feel like I run into a lot of ideolgical relativism. I might bring up Council of Trent or Vatican II, but the answer is along the lines of “well, that is what it says, but that’s not what it means” (e.g. the meaning of ‘anathema’) it’s very difficult to nail them down to a fixed position. Still haven’t figured out a way around that yet.

    I’m also looking to build good arguments (as in the logical sense, not the polemic sense ), to incorporate established arguments and build on them to create a more robust biblical response to the many questions outstanding (not that any argument would be perfect or unassailable, but looking to be grounded in a firm, true, historical, grammatical, contextual, biblical foundation). Would you be willing to occasionally field a question or test an argument? It would be extremely beneficial to have perspective from someone who has your backgound. And if you have any suggestions on how I might approach my Catholic friends, on any topic, your feedback is most welcome.

    May God conitnue to bless your work and ministry.

    In Christ,


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    1. Hi Damon! I’m sorry for this late response but your comments were sent to my spam bucket, which I rarely check.
      Praise God for your ministry and outreach to your Roman Catholic friends! Having a Bible Study with a group of Catholics can be very difficult as you mention. I pray the Lord gives you discernment and wisdom in such a circumstance.
      I appreciate that you’re following along with the “Forty Answers to Forty Reasons…” series. Yes, we can certainly open up a good dialogue. I will try to be as helpful as I can.

      Blessings to you and your outreach!


  18. sdcharge (your name is San Deigo Charger? San Diego in english is Saint James… like the Catholic Epistle of Saint James, like James 2:1 and James 2:24… wow, that’s irony)
    Anyway, my message to you is quite simple:


    1. Why defend your works-religion when the RCC declares all religionists and even atheists can also merit salvation.

      RE: San Diego
      The Bible states James was the half-brother of Jesus, which the RCC denies.

      Gospel Christians have no problem with James 2:24 as you assume. See below:


      Nowhere in the New Testament do we find believers confessing sins to a priest. History records auricular confession wasn’t made mandatory until the Fourth Lateran Council, in 1215 AD. Pedophile priests often used the confessional to prey upon their victims.

      You’ve been deceived. Invest a few dollars and purchase “The Gospel According to Rome” by James G. McCarthy.


  19. My friend, I have read some of your rebuttals. I must say that you are very confused about what the Catholic Church teaches in the Bible. Your interpretations cannot be squared with what is written in the Bible, and although you disagree with much of what the Church teaches in the Bible, the reality is that the Protestant beliefs that you have accepted cannot be found anywhere in the Bible. I would suggest to you that you revisit what the Church teaches in the Bible about the Sacraments, and if you can find just one single example of a person being saved like a Protestant anywhere in the Biblical New Covenant Church, then like you, I will also vacate the Catholic Church. For the teaching of the Bible is very clear – the Sacraments of the Catholic Church are indeed necessary for Salvation. Find just one person that was saved like a Protestant, that is without a Catholic Sacrament and that would be enough to prove the Church wrong, and I will leave the Catholic Church. However, if you can’t do this, then I do hope that you will return to Christ and His Holy Church. For there seems to have been something missing in your Catholic formation while you were growing up. God bless.

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    1. Thanks for your comment/note! We could exchange Bible verses/passages, but I think it would be much more profitable for you to read “Same Words, Different Worlds: Do Roman Catholics and Evangelicals Believe the Same Gospel?” by Dr. Leonardo De Chirico. The book is readily available from Amazon via the link below:


      1. I, Marlene Crouch, am author and copyright owner of the 310 page book, “Whose Voice are you listening to”, published on October 19, 2009 by Tate Publishing. The book is no longer in print due to the legal closure of “Tate Publishing”. I would like to relinquish my copyright ownership to a publishing company willing to re-publish and disperse the book. Please advise

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  20. Heresy:
    That special moment when you have greater spiritual insight than the Apostles, Disciples, Apostolic Fathers, the Church, and the Magisterium because you have a bible that they wrote, compiled, protected, and gave to you.

    Poor Ambassador for Christ.


    1. RC apostate church = Fabricated multifarious heresies and myths under the umbrella of extrabiblical “sacred oral tradition” and eventually ordained that all religionists and even atheists are “children of God” and capable of meriting Heaven.


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