Sunday video shorts with Dr. Leonardo De Chirico, #8: Does Catholicism teach a high view of Scripture?

Welcome to our Sunday video shorts series featuring Dr. Leonardo De Chirico, Director of the Reformanda Initiative.

In this 1:12-minute video-short, Dr. De Chirico discusses whether Roman Catholicism teaches a high view of Scripture.


Below is a link to the Reformanda Initiative website.

The Reformanda Initiative

11 thoughts on “Sunday video shorts with Dr. Leonardo De Chirico, #8: Does Catholicism teach a high view of Scripture?

  1. When the rc appeals to their traditions I will ask them for an official list of these traditions and when they began. I want to make sure what they are. I have yet to see this list of traditions which makes me think they are making stuff up again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yup, there is no book in Catholic bookstores titled “Sacred Oral Traditions.” It’s catch-all for fabricated or syncretized myths.


  2. II think he describes Romanism accurately; its the equivocation of Tradition as same authority as the Bible that end up practically ends up denying the Bible and the Bible’s authority

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