James R. White debates Catholic apologist on Sola Scriptura and Salvation

I’m grateful for the ministry of evangelical apologist, James. R. White. He’s been debating representatives of the Roman Catholic church, priests and lay apologists, since 1990. Last month, Dr. White engaged Jimmy Akins, the senior apologist for Catholic Answers, in separate debates covering the topics of 1) Sola Scriptura/Scripture Alone and 2) How Does One Find Peace with God? Both debates are presented in full via the videos below.

Akins is a slippery eel, but Dr. White does an excellent job of contrasting Roman Catholicism and its false gospel of salvation by sacramentalism and merit to Scripture and the genuine Gospel of salvation by God’s grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone.

Both of Dr. White’s presentations are well worth a listen, but for me, the highlight was the cross-examination portion of Debate #2, beginning at the 1:00:31 mark, with White holding Akin’s feet to the fire regarding the latter’s hollow claims to “grace” and “faith” and “Christ’s imputed righteousness” when he actually believes, as the RCC teaches, in justification by works.

Debate #1: Sola Scriptura – Scripture Alone: Scripture is the sole infallible rule of faith for the church
Wednesday, April 24, 2024, Time length: 2:06 hrs.

Debate #2: How Does One Find Peace with God?
Thursday, April 25, 2024, Time length: 2:05 hrs.

Both debates were held at First Baptist Church, Livingston, LA.

Debate #1: Sola Scriptura – Scripture Alone

Debate #2: How Does One Find Peace with God?

Thanks to brother Michael at Berean Crossroads for originally alerting me to these debates.

14 thoughts on “James R. White debates Catholic apologist on Sola Scriptura and Salvation

  1. I find with RC apologists that they work to undermine the Christian’s confidence in Scripture and tell half truths about what the rcc teachings.

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  2. My husband and I were recently listening to older videos of White breaking down the falsehood of Catholic Doctrine. We always joke we may not understand all of the things White says, but what we do understand has benefited us greatly.

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    1. Thanks for the good comments! Dr. White has so much Bible and church history knowledge as well as experience when it comes to these debates with Catholic apologists that they’re always a great blessing to listen to.
      Last week, I listened to a young evangelical attempt to debate Catholic apologist Jimmy Akin who’s featured in these debates. The young guy had neither the knowledge or experience of White and Akin ran roughshod over him. Some Christians are taken aback by White’s confrontational and acerbic approach, but a person won’t survive as a debater if they’re wishy washy.

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      1. Agreed. You need to know your stuff and I think those who are well informed appear intimating for those who are ignorant. That’s not to say we can’t be sinful with knowledge, but I do think often there comes a misunderstanding.

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    1. Thanks, Michael! Akin definitely attempts to use the mollifying “we’re just quarreling over words” approach, which is “understandable” given that the RCC recognizes all people as children of God and that all religions are legitimate pathways to Heaven.
      Thanks and God bless you, too!

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    1. It’s not a reflection on you, but I had watched these White vs. Akin debates a week before watching the Nesan-Boyce vs. Akin-Horn debate and the contrast was like day and night (and of course Boyce is a quasi-Catholic).
      It takes someone like White with the required Biblical knowledge, church history knowledge, and debate skills to engage Akin and Horn with their slippery sophistry.

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