Welcome to the Weekend Roundup! – News & Views – 4/20/24

A new Pew Research Center survey finds that 75% of U.S. Catholics view pope Francis favorably. That’s down 15 points from his peak favorability rating of 90% in early 2015. There’s no doubt that many conservative Catholics are fed up with Bergoglio’s doctrine-bending, progressive reforms. While it’s significant that a sizable percentage of U.S. Catholics don’t like their current “Vicar of Christ,” we note that the genuine Gospel of salvation by God’s grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone can’t be found in either conservative or progressive Catholic camps. The survey also revealed 6 in 10 U.S. adult Catholics believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases.

Roman Catholics are obligated to attend mass every single Sunday under threat of eternal damnation. However, a recent Gallup poll revealed 50% of U.S. Catholics seldom or never attend Sunday mass. Only about 1 in 4 U.S. Catholic adults attend mass each and every Sunday as they’re required to. Truant Catholics ask themselves why they should adhere to the Sunday mass obligation when the pope and the rest of the Catholic clergy teach that all non-Catholic religionists and even “moral” atheists can also hopefully merit Heaven if they are “good.” Credulous Catholics rave about the transformational experience and ecstasy of consuming the “transubstantiated” Jesus wafer. One would think 100% of Catholics would be queued up at the church door at 6 a.m. on Sunday mornings to “receive Jesus.” But the vast majority of Catholics stay home. They know a mass-produced bread wafer when they eat one.

This article states, “Pope Francis reinstated the title ‘Patriarch of the West’ for the first time since 2006 as an ecumenical gesture to the Orthodox Church…In the Orthodox Church, the pope is seen as just one more among the patriarchs, rather than a superior figurehead.” Pope Francis is constantly working towards reunification with the Eastern Orthodox and undiscerning Protestants.

This revealing article from a Catholic source notes that conservative/traditionalist Catholics are becoming increasingly enamored with the anti-Semitic vitriol of Irish Catholic priest, Denis Fahey (1883–1954).

Decades ago, Chuck Swindoll was one of the leading personalities on Christian radio with his popular “Insight for Living” show. Swindoll was an outspoken admirer of Catholic priest/mystic Henry Nouwen and a passionate advocate of Catholic Contemplative Prayer (see here). Other popular “evangelical Protestant” pastors who pushed Catholic Contemplative Prayer were Rick Warren and Tim Keller.

11 thoughts on “Welcome to the Weekend Roundup! – News & Views – 4/20/24

  1. “Swindoll was an outspoken admirer of Catholic priest/mystic Henry Nouwen and a passionate advocate of Catholic Contemplative Prayer” … It seems that few “leaders” within the church have discernment regarding Roman Catholicism. SMH

    Liked by 3 people

    1. It’s dismaying how this insidious Rome-friendly transformation took place. No evangelical Protestant pastors back in the 1950s would have made any favorable statements regarding RC-ism. Now it’s difficult to find an “evangelical Protestant” pastor who doesn’t.

      Liked by 3 people

  2. I would have thought Francis’s approval would have been even lower. Ok, I will try and keep my rant to a few sentences!! For my one ministry class at Capital, spiritual formation and discipleship was (I don’t know if it still is) a requirement for ALL students and majors. We literally had to study and practice contemplative prayer, lectio divina etc. I said to Nathan, “what is this BS, new age garbage?!” Then the professor read for us Nouwen and other such nonsense. The only thing I got out of that class was what NOT to do and how to advise people accordingly! I complained about that class more than you will ever know!!! Hope you and Corinne are doing well! How’s your “spring” weather?!

    Liked by 5 people

    1. RE: Francis approval
      I find that some Catholic conservative pundits are still somewhat restrained about their disapproval of Francis, even though they dislike him strongly and contemplate that he’s a heretic. Mustn’t openly oppose the pope. It’s a Catch 22 for them. I’m currently reading a book by a conservative Catholic apologist who only circumspectly takes swipes at Francis. I imagine the average Catholic layperson checks in and out for Sunday mass and is largely oblivious to the controversies.
      Thanks for the insights regarding Catholic contemplative prayer and lectio divina. It’s such a shame that Catholic mysticism became a beachhead for Rome-friendly ecumenism at evangelical churches and seminaries.
      We’re doing well, thank you, and I hope you and Nathan are doing the same. We’re still waiting for the warm weather to hit. High of only 52 today. How’s the weather for you guys?

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Thanks! Even though Embiid isn’t 100%, he and the Sixers are VERY formidable opponents.
        RE: book
        Thanks again! It’s strange to read a book in which the author, a leading conservative Catholic apologist, critiques “progressive Catholicism” without directly criticizing Pope Francis. He’s walking a religiously-correct tightrope and hoping the reader will read between the lines. So bizarre.

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