Welcome to the Weekend Roundup! – News & Views – 12/30/23

The release of the Fiducia Supplicans declaration by the Vatican on December 19th, which authorized Catholic priests to bless same-sex couples, was a shock to conservative Roman Catholics and also elicited strong responses from evangelicals. The declaration was obviously the main topic in Catholic media this past week.

This article provides a brief, informative overview of pope Francis’ calculated strategy to move the RCC towards full embracement of practicing S&G-uals.

Francis and his progressive allies are fully aware that this blessing of S&G couples is only a transitional step towards eventual full embracement of practicing S&G-uals.

Catholic Answers based in San Diego is probably the largest conservative Catholic apologetics organization in the U.S. In this article, CA apologists are back on their heels trying to deal with the Fiducia Supplicans same-sex blessing declaration. Pope Francis is conservative Catholic apologists’ worst nightmare, but they’re hog-tied because absolute fealty to the papacy is one of their most cherished tenets.

The above article is just one example of conservative Catholics’ disdain for the same-sex blessing declaration.

The conservative Catholic writer of this article makes the insightful observation that the Fiducia Supplicans same-sex blessing declaration flows directly from principles and premises articulated in the apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia (2016), by which Bergoglio craftily lifted the ban on sacraments for remarried divorcees.

Some conservative “evangelical” tares swam the Tiber to Rome because of the perceived “advantages” of papal authority, sacramentalism, and institutional antiquity. With the Fiducia Supplicans same-sex blessing declaration, pope Francis has pulled the rug out from under them. While the author of this article makes some good points, he fails to forthrightly address the irreconcilable differences between the genuine Good News! Gospel of salvation by God’s grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone, and Rome’s false gospel of salvation by sacramentaism and merit.

Albert Mohler, the influential President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, delivered this 4800-word response to Francis’ same-sex blessing via his “The Briefing” radio show (available above as either an audio or transcript). Mohler decries the pope’s declaration, but makes no comment regarding the Roman Catholic church’s false gospel of salvation by sacramentalism and merit.

In this article, Rome-friendly Reformed theologian, Carl Trueman, bemoans the fact that pope Francis’ Fiducia Supplicans same-sex blessing declaration will have a deleterious, “down-stream” impact on Protestantism. Hmm. I wish Trueman was as critical regarding Rome’s false gospel of salvation by sacramentalism and merit.

14 thoughts on “Welcome to the Weekend Roundup! – News & Views – 12/30/23

    1. Thank you, Beth, and have a blessed day as well!
      RE: today’s roundup
      We live in very unusual times when the Catholics who take their religion most seriously feel betrayed by their pope.
      In contrast, Jesus Christ will never betray our trust in Him.


    1. Yes, pope Francis is being crafty by authorizing “casual” same-sex blessings without “benefit” of a formal liturgical ritual. Although conservative RC clerics are huffing and puffing at the moment, as would be expected, Francis is counting on them to eventually acquiesce. It will be interesting. I don’t believe there is much popular support for schism. Conservative Catholics have to be hoping Francis’ successor swings the pendulum back.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. 1.) The slide with the lgTV law shows why Evangelicals should not talk fawning of the papacy, when the authority ultimately fall short of Bible as the final authority!

    2.) “What Now For Those Evangelicals Who Fled to Rome?”
    These guys need to repent of their idolatry of the papacy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the comments!
      RE: Evangelicals should not talk fawning of the papacy, when the authority ultimately fall short of Bible as the final authority!
      Yes, the pope/papacy has always contradicted Biblical truth, but no one can gloss over this affirmation of S&G-ism.
      RE: repent of their idolatry of the papacy!
      I’ve noticed a few Tiber River swimmers resorting to Jesuitical sophistry in reaction to the same-sex blessing declaration:
      “Some Popes are good, some are bad, some are fair, others are great, and some are saints, but most are not. This is the living reality of the papacy.” – Scott Hahn

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      1. Good point! The ex-evangelical, Catholic-convert tares must work overtime to counterbalance the pope’s confusion (aka heresy) while at the same time disparaging Protestants for their lack of an authoritative leader.

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    1. Thanks for the gracious comments! It’s disturbing to see the pope making accommodations for sin, but of course the institution he leads preaches a false gospel. I’m mindful of conservative Catholics and ecumenical evangelicals shaken by the pope’s compromise. Perhaps the Holy Spirit will use this “crisis” to lead some Catholics to Christ and open the eyes of credulous, undiscerning, unknowledgeable Rome-friendly evangelicals.

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