Welcome to the Weekend Roundup! – News & Views – 7/9/22

This conservative Catholic writer calls upon Catholic men to defend their churches from outside attackers. But who is going to protect Catholic children from the pedophile priests inside?

Catholic sources report 359,000 Germans officially withdrew from the Catholic church in 2021. The Synodal Path initiative (2019-2023) was launched in hopes that progressive reforms might stem the freefall, but it’s had no effect.

Catholic “pundits” relish pointing out that “anti-Catholicism” was pervasive in early-America. Context is everything. The writers purposely fail to mention that religious freedom was non-existent in European Catholic countries of that era and that popes condemned democratic forms of government and religious freedom into the early-20th century (see here).

Archbishop, Fulton J. Sheen (1895-1979), was a Catholic “media pioneer,” who used both radio (1930-1950) and television (1952-1968) to advance Roman Catholicism. Sheen was admired by tens of millions, including credulous “Protestants” like Billy Graham. The RCC’s canonization of the popular Sheen was a certainty until evidence surfaced in 2019 that Sheen may have covered-up for pedophile priests while he was bishop of Rochester, New York, 1966-69.

Expect to see an increasing number of Catholic churches holding these “apology services.”

It’s ironic that pope Francis complains that the U.N. has no power. Centuries ago, the papal-led Roman Catholic church wielded immense political power and initiated the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the bloody persecution of Protestants.

The “Evangelicals and Catholics Together” initiative was forged in 1994 by Rome-friendly evangelical, Chuck Colson, and Catholic priest, Richard John Neuhaus, to advance ecumenical ties between evangelicals and Catholics. Colson and his “Protestant” allies turned a blind eye to Roman Catholicism’s false gospel of salvation by sacramental grace and merit. We’re told ECT is currently working on a new declaration to be published later this year, “Fear God, Honor the Emperor.” Shame on all so-called evangelicals who muddy the genuine Gospel by supporting ECT.

The news broke back in early-June that historian David I. Kertzer had discovered documents in the Vatican’s archives revealing that pope Pius XII had a secret diplomatic concord with Adolf Hitler. We’re now seeing reactions from the Jewish press including the sample article above. What does it say about the allegedly Holy Spirit-led, so-called “Vicar of Christ” when he had a secret accord with a genocidal monster?

Tom’s retirement countdown: 16 more weekends to go!

28 thoughts on “Welcome to the Weekend Roundup! – News & Views – 7/9/22

  1. “Expect to see an increasing number of Catholic churches holding these “apology services.” I agree, Tom, and it is horrid. It’s like apologizing to Satan for standing in the way of his plan to hijack God’s purposes.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. “But who is going to protect Catholic children from the pedophile priests inside?” 💔😭

    As much as they take a stance on abortion they sure seem to be ok with priests “killing children” (and may I mention children/adults with disabilities)
    with their pedophile perversions!
    They cause some people to “abort” themselves from the love of the True Living Loving God Almighty through Jesus the Christ!!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. The article titled the “Kentucky Catholic church holds ‘Service of Apology to the LGBTQ+ Community’ was interesting and sad. One thing immediately stuck out to me. I consider Kentucky, like my own state of Arkansas, to be generally on the conservative side of things. Thankfully, this is probably still an anomaly there.
    If the Catholic churches are to apologize to the LGBTQ+ “community” for anything it should be the lack of concern for their souls and the unloving position that many are afraid to note what the Bible has to say about homosexuality.
    Thanks for sharing the latest in another informative Roundup, Tom.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Chris! Yup, the RCC has many things to apologize for, most importantly for leading millions of souls astray with its false gospel. This “inclusivity” issue is just going to get bigger and bigger. Hope you’re enjoying the weekend!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. You’re welcome, Tom.

        RE: “This ‘inclusivity’ issue is just going to get bigger and bigger.”

        As God’s judgment continues to be obvious as He allows man’s slide into deviant and ungodly behavior, I can’t agree with you more.

        I did have a good weekend in spite of the heat we are experiencing in Arkansas. It felt like 110 the other day and it is supposed to be like that again tomorrow.

        I hope your days off are enjoyable as well!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thanks, Chris! Hope you can stay cool. My oldest sister from Arizona is visiting this week (arriving today) so our avg. high of 82F will be a pleasant break for her. But my wife has been cleaning and redecorating like crazy for our guest. I was happy to be at work this past weekend to be out of the cyclone.
        Have a good week!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. We are very thankful to be able to have air conditioning. I don’t know how people would do it here in Arkansas without it unless they had a pool or creek nearby.
        I just saw a comparison of a day last week between Arkansas and Arizona for one day. Their temperature was higher than ours was but with the humidity factored in it felt hotter here.

        I don’t remember what 82 feels like but it really hasn’t been all that long. I hope you have a great visit with your sister.

        We have a plumber coming in to check out a tub leak this week and my wife is doing a few things to tidy up just for that. I’m the disorganized one though, so I spent a couple of hours today getting myself a bit more organized. Now if I can just remember where I put everything once the plumber leaves. Maybe if you wife does the Martha thing now she will be able to do the Mary thing once your sister gets there.

        I think the plumber will conclude that our tub will have to come out so that it can be properly reconnected by him. It is just another DIYWYT (Do It Yourself With You Tube) thing to work on. We currently have hallway laid with LVP and we have the kitchen and the living room to go. My wife has patiently dealt with carpet in the kitchen for the past 25 years so I figured it was time to make a change. It is a perfect job for this hot summer. If the tub has to come out it will only sideline the LVP job for a week or two.

        I hope you have a good week as well!

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Thanks, Chris. The visit is going well. I hope the leaking tub issue is resolved fairly easily for you. I rarely touch plumbing because it’s such a pain. Continued success with the LVP. I’ve been avoiding several projects until after I retire.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. It’s nice to hear that the visit is going well. Thank you for your kind words. After you retire I’m sure you will find all kinds of things to do besides the blogging that is.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Re ETC, ecumenicalism will continue to grow. On another blog I read about the latest Gallop poll on American Bible beliefs. On a continual downward swing, “A record-low 20% of Americans now say the Bible is the literal word of God” In the drive for numbers, popularity and funds, I expect to see more religious collaboration and compromise.
    True believers will be the outcasts.
    Have a good weekend Tom 😎

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I briefly glanced at a news article about that sad poll. Thanks for reminding me. Yup, genuine believers will be increasingly marginalized.
      Thanks, Lisa Beth, and have a good weekend, too!

      Liked by 2 people

  5. 1. Good point about who will protect kids from Catholic church
    2. Seems like ECT is trying to breath life into their stale movement; won’t be surprised they be more compromises…
    3. Good point about the need for context with RC being bashing western liberties and republics, etc, that the concern for Catholics in the past in Protestant nations had a context. Nuances is missing in this day and age driven by victim narrative…
    4. Wow seems more and more the Pope compromise with Hitler with more archives released…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the good comments!

      RE: Kids and RCC
      Thanks. All kinds of dangers behind the doors of the RCC.

      RE: ECT
      So many evangelicals now consider the RCC a Christian entity that ECT’s mission is done.

      RE: historical anti-Catholicism
      Thanks. Yeah context is totally missing in these articles.

      RE: Pope & Hitler
      It’s surprising to me that this isn’t a bigger story because people have been speculating for 80 years why Pius XII was so silent regarding Hitler.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ah true ECT has accomplished its missions…sadly.
        “It’s surprising to me that this isn’t a bigger story because people have been speculating for 80 years why Pius XII was so silent regarding Hitler.” It should be a lot bigger news

        Liked by 1 person

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