Welcome to the Weekend Roundup! – News & Views – 4/16/22

This past Monday, April 11, pope Francis received Joe Donnelly (photo above) as the U.S. ambassador to the “Holy See” (aka Vatican City). The Vatican is the smallest “nation” in the world, with only 800 residents and comparable in size to Central Park in New York City. The Vatican is not really a “nation,” but rather the administrative center of the Roman Catholic church. The name “Holy See” (Latin: Sancta Sedes, “holy throne”) implies the pope has sovereignty over all of the nations of the world. The United States had wisely declined from appointing an ambassador to the RCC’s administrative center until 1984, when President Ronald Reagan appointed William A. Wilson to the “Holy See.”

Last week, I reported that Robert McManus, Catholic bishop of Worcester, MA, criticized a Catholic school in his diocese for flying the BLM and L*** flags. This week, the prelate formally “requested” that the school remove the flags under threat of barring the school from calling itself “Catholic.” This same drama is being played out in Catholic dioceses across the country.

The feud is heating up within the RCC over the sanctioning of same-sex weddings and the acknowledgement of practicing L***ers as members in good standing.

The Roman Catholic church teaches that all members who die with venial sins on their souls or with unmeted temporal punishment for mortal sins allegedly absolved in the confessional will go to purgatory. The church further claims the ability to grant indulgences – the shortening of the purgatorial sentence – for individuals or their designated deceased loved ones. This article details the indulgences available during this “holy week.” None of this is connected with the genuine Gospel of salvation by God’s grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone.

The Roman Catholic church declared during its Second Vatican Council sessions that Islam and all other religions are legitimate pathways to God. That is NOT Christianity.

Bernadette Soubirous of Lourdes is one of Roman Catholicism’s most revered saints and the shrine at Lourdes, France, is one of RC-ism’s most beloved “holy” sites. It’s alleged that Mary appeared to Bernadette at a grotto in Lourdes in 1858. Bernadette’s relics, including “part of her rib,” will tour 30 U.S. Catholic churches or shrines. Thousands of Roman Catholics will be queueing up in hopes of receiving blessings and/or healings from the relics.

It’s been seven weeks since Vladimir Putin directed the Russian military to invade Ukraine. The number of deaths – Ukrainian and Russian – is in the tens of thousands and the devastation is incalculable, yet pope Francis continues the Catholic practice (see pope Pius XII re: Adolf Hitler) of not singling out genocidal mass-murderers by name.

Self-flagellation as a penance for sin has a very long history within the Roman Catholic church. Flagellantism was widespread throughout 14th century Catholic Europe and continued into modern times in convents and monasteries. Catholic sources report pope John Paul II whipped himself daily and Mother Teresa wore a cilice, a pain-inflicting metal garter with spikes worn around the thigh.

21 thoughts on “Welcome to the Weekend Roundup! – News & Views – 4/16/22

  1. Fascinating round-up! Re. the Filipino Catholics self-flagellating, it reminds me of seeing Shiite Muslims whipping themselves with chains and blades. Whatever the cult, there is no doubt that the devil is a hard task master. It’s wonderful to know the truth and walk in light.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks Elizabeth.

      RE: the devil is a hard task master.

      That’s right. Even though few Catholics in the West are whipping themselves bloody these days, the notion of penitential suffering is still popular.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Answering your question: Glad to hear that your day is going by with lots done. Day was busy with youth group and then conversations with others; going to do an apologetics Q&A with a FB group later on today and trying to squeeze in sermon prep too! Will read this!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. 1. Wished we didnt have an ambassador to the Vatican; it makes them see themselves as legitimate as a state or above the state.
    2. It seems every week we seen news about woke L*** agenda in RC (and other denominations).
    3. The Pope inability to condemn Putin is very telling. Sometimes it seems 2022 feels like 1930s

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for the comments!

      Yup, “Holy See” denotes sovereignty over all nations. A preposterous and blasphemous claim. Too bad Reagan caved.

      I’ve been monitoring Catholic news every week for six years, and I’m definitely seeing the L*** steamroller making great inroads into the RCC the last couple of years.

      Yeah, it’s very telling that the pope won’t call out Putin for fear of offending the Russian Orthodox Patriarch, Putin, and Russians in general.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. The article on the Indulgences was very sad, Tom.

    It lists things we can do and then includes:

    “In order to obtain the plenary indulgence, in addition to performing the specific works mentioned above, the following conditions must be fulfilled:

    1. Detachment from all sin, even venial.”

    There are other conditions but I’ll stop right there. Not only are Catholics required to do these certain things they are to detach from sin?

    I know we are continually getting to be more like Jesus by the grace of God alone, but I’m sorry that I will never be able to remove my sinful nature. It is so sad that the impossible is being asked of these people. We are to strive, with God’s help, to free ourselves from sin, but it will be there until the day we die no matter how hard we try.

    Isn’t that the reason for Easter? God’s finished work has allowed us access to forgiveness through the grace of God alone. It is the Glory of the Resurrection and what God has done, not what we can do for God.

    And it is the realization of God’s great love for us shown in His death on the cross that causes us to do the right things, not because we are trying to earn something.

    I am so glad that God brought you out of that mess. I hope that Catholics who read their Bibles begin to see the problems with these indulgences. And I pray that the Holy Spirit would cause Catholics to read their Bibles for themselves and make it their authority rather than a priest or the pope.

    I hope you have a happy Easter.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Chris, Thanks for reading and the excellent comments!
      Yes, the Catholic interpretation of the work of Jesus Christ and His free gift of salvation is so erroneous.
      As a Catholic child of eleven years old, the I thought occurred to me, “If salvation must be merited, then why did Jesus have to die on the cross?” Catholic authorities have answered this question as follows, “By his death, Jesus opened the gates of Heaven, but now it is up to each one of us to enter by our merits with the help of the sacraments.”

      Thank you and have a happy Easter yourself!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome. You figured it out at eleven. I pray that Catholics everywhere can see the problem with this statement by comparing it to the scriptures:

        “By his death, Jesus opened the gates of Heaven, but now it is up to each one of us to enter by our merits with the help of the sacraments.”

        Liked by 1 person

  5. “The Roman Catholic church declared during its Second Vatican Council sessions that Islam and all other religions are legitimate pathways to God. That is NOT Christianity.”


    Islam and Roman Catholicism have much in common!!

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  6. “The Roman Catholic church declared during its Second Vatican Council sessions that Islam and all other religions are legitimate pathways to God. That is NOT Christianity.”

    No it’s absolutely not! So I ask how can all of the ecumenical pastors and evangelists or anyone else who claims to be a believer say Roman Catholicism is genuine Christianity. It really boggles the mind. Matthew 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Cathy. Yup, how can “evangelicals” embrace RC-ism when the RCC unabashedly embraces Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc., etc.? Irrational. Incongruous.


  7. “including “part of her rib,” will tour 30 U.S. Catholic churches or shrines” How blind is their blindness Tom. The same applies to the “Self-flagellation” for sin. It breaks my heart to see what they call devotion that will send them to hell if they don’t believe the true gospel.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Crissy. Yes, many people aren’t aware of these less-publicized relics devotions and flagellation practices that are blatant examples of the superstition and penitential self-mortification practices that are still popular within RC-ism.

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