“If you have your health, you have everything.” Huh?

Well, friends, I’m “supposed” to be in Germany right now. ☹️ Yup, my wife and I had bought our airline tickets back in April for a July 15-25 vacation visiting with our twelve-year-old grandson in Martinshöhe in southwest Germany. But “life intervened” as it often does.

Many of you know my wife fractured her femur bone last November when she fell in the bathroom tub. She’s been recovering very well from that injury. The bone has knitted together nicely and she only has a slight limp at this point. But my wife also has a scoliosis and cranial asymmetry condition that she’s been dealing with all of her life. Very similar to the circumstances when she broke the same femur bone thirty-five years ago, the leg injury exacerbated the chronic spinal/cranial discomfort and pain. We’re grateful her new doctor is very familiar with her specific spinal/cranial condition (most aren’t), but the physical therapy he prescribed is also a bit unsettling as expected. As the vacation date loomed closer and closer, my wife vascillated daily as to whether she felt well enough to travel, and on July 13 we contacted the airline and our relatives in Germany and regrettably told them we wouldn’t be coming.

There’s a very popular saying out there that goes something along the lines of, “If you have your health, you have everything.” Say what? How true is that? MANY people are dealing with serious health problems, and if you’re not, just wait. At some point, EVERY person is going to have a major health problem/s. Our bodies are finite, which most people try not to think about. Because of sin, it’s a fallen world and a few of the consequences are the inevitable deterioration of our bodies and finally, death. But Jesus Christ paid the penalty for sin by His death on the cross and He rose from the grave, defeating sin and death, and extends the free gift of salvation and eternal life to all those who repent of sin and accept Him as their Savior by faith alone. That’s VERY good news, but the majority of people want nothing to do with Jesus Christ. If you enjoy excellent health right now, that’s a good thing, but it’s only temporary. Accept Christ. The old adage should read, “If you have Jesus Christ, you have everything.”

“Sickness teaches us that we must look elsewhere for the purpose of life, than in ourselves; and that we live not just to be happy upon earth, but to glorify God. And this we can do in sickness as well as in health, often better. Let us, then, learn from all of the sicknesses and sufferings of life, and from all that the Word of God teaches us, that our time belongs to God, and our only concern must be to use it for His glory.” – Adolphe Monad, French evangelical pastor, 1802-1856

Postscript: The last time we visited our German grandson was in April 2016, which included a rather humorous episode (see here). His father (our son) and mother divorced last year, but they weren’t together all that much following the wedding. After a couple of years of being stationed at Ramstein AFB in Germany where he met our grandson’s mother, our son was reassigned to several bases in the U.S. (as well as voluntary stints in Afghanistan and Iraq), but our daughter-in-law opted to remain behind in Germany and live with her parents in order to complete her college education, which took a very long time because she could only attend school part-time. Not the best circumstances for a marriage.

51 thoughts on ““If you have your health, you have everything.” Huh?

  1. I’m sorry you couldn’t go on holiday and visit your grandson, but I’m glad you seem to have your spiritual health. By His wounds we are healed.

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    1. Thank you very much, Sally! The physical therapy for her condition is one of those things where the patient needs to take one step backwards in order to take two forward.


  2. Yep, life happens! Even so, I’m so sorry that you two had to cancel your trip. Thank God for doctors that actually understand your wife’s specific needs, Tom! That’s a blessing in itself, isn’t it?

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    1. Thanks so much, Hope! Yes, finally “finding” a doctor who understood her condition was/is a HUGE blessing; miraculous! Extremely few are knowledgeable about it. I could easily write a 2000 word post about the many disappointments my wife has had over the last 35 years in trying to find a knowledgeable MD who could help her.

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  3. Brother, I love how you brought this back to the Gospel! I’m so sorry that you missed your trip, though, and to hear that your wife is not feeling well. I have been praying for you both daily, and your sons, I will add her health to my prayers. God bless you, brother!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, sister, for your gracious encouragement and for your prayers! 🙂 We are so grateful that my wife stumbled across a doctor who is at least knowledgeable about her condition after 35 years of seeking help. That’s an answer to prayer! He’s both a medical MD and a doctor of Osteopathy who study the interconnectedness of skeletal-muscular problems.
      p.s. I’m sorry I haven’t emailed you yet regarding the podcast. Will do so tonight. The last ten days have been a blur.

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    1. Thanks a lot, Wally! Because the trip was scrubbed, I went back to work on Monday like normal, but my wife stayed home these two weeks. She really needed to take a breather. She was ready to just quit working because of the discomfort.


      1. Yup, and she works in an outpatient department. So the work is a lot less demanding than her old ICU nurse position, but she was having a hard time handling even that with her symptoms.


  4. Good post, sorry your trip was interrupted by life situation, and your wife’s pain.
    I have to say I’ve always had a problem with that “If you have your health…” for the very reason you pointed, without salvation, your temporal health means nothing.
    Or even, you could have your health and be the loneliest and most heartbroken person on earth and all that health won’t matter at all ’cause you just want to die.
    Our ‘everything’ must be in Christ, and forever!
    God bless you brother.

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    1. Thank you for the gracious and good comments, Lisa Beth! Sickness can really “help” rearrange our priorities in a hurry. And as you say, outside of Christ, nothing is of any real value. Thank you and God bless you, too!

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  5. I agree. The relationship with the Grandson should be the focus now. I pray that the mother will help him to know you in a precious relationship. Yes, if you have health, it is the most personal thing to have but Christ comes first. I have lived because God chose to heal me but I am look forward to going Home.:)

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    1. Thank you for the nice comments, Bonnie! Yes, our (ex) daughter-in-law and her parents have gone out of their way to help us continue our relationship with our grandson and we are grateful.

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  6. Tom, we are praying for the Lord’s presence, for healing as He desires and grace for the years ahead. They can be refreshing when we stay focused on the last and most exciting journey. There is joy in the preparation. Blessings as you and your wife wait and grow in the process. 🙂

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    1. Brother, thank you for your prayers and support! It was a big disappointment that we couldn’t go but it worked out because my wife is using the two-weeks vacation time to relax at home. I went back to work. She’s seriously thinking about signing up for long-term disability because she’s so uncomfortable at work.

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      1. You’re welcome also congrats at 11 thousand steps I’m at nine thousand after my afternoon long walk. Going to make my goal after my post dinner and late night book reading walks

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      2. This afternoon I was reading a biblical counseling booklet that I will review this week. I am about to go on my post dinner walk and I’m reading for that walk a book on classic Chinese text on ancient warfare

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  7. Sorry you can’t see your grandson! I am really sorry your wife is dealing with this pain! I am even more sorry that both of these circumstances affect you!

    What I am rejoicing about is that you do KNOW the Lord! And you do KNOW He will see you through!!!


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    1. Thank you, Beth, for your kindness in the Lord! Yes, knowing the Lord puts all of these challenges in perspective. We cling to Him (or rather He hold us) on the peaks and in the valleys. I rejoice in your salvation as well. It’s a miracle that should put a smile on our face every morning!

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      1. Yes!!!
        We need to guard our hearts with His Word so we don’t get caught up in the worldliness that pleads to swallow us up!!!

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  8. I pray your wife feels better soon. Sorry you both weren’t able to travel this time. Tom, it’s wonderful how you used this opportunity to bring the gospel message.
    “If you have Jesus Christ, you have everything.” AMEN AND AMEN

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