Welcome to the Weekend Roundup! – News & Views – 6/15/24

This past Thursday, the Vatican’s Dicastery Promoting Christian Unity published a 130-page “study document” with pope Francis’ approval titled, “The Bishop of Rome: Primacy and Synodality in Ecumenical Dialogues and Responses to the Encyclical, Ut unum sint” (Latin: “That they may be one”). Ut unum sint was published in 1995 at the behest of pope John Paul II. Its aim was to encourage further ecumenical cooperation between the RCC, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestants, but with the caveat that non-Catholics must recognize the unique role of the pope. This new “Bishop of Rome” document suggests leveraging Ut unum sint while softening papal prerogatives most objectionable to the Orthodox and Protestants. The document advises 1) re-emphasizing the pope’s role as the bishop of Rome among fellow bishops, 2) re-examining and possibly reinterpreting the First Vatican Council’s 1850 dogmatic definitions on papal primacy and papal infallibility, and 3) furthering “synodality” between Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants, i.e., encouraging more Orthodox and Protestant participation. This all strikes me as a lot of patronizing, with the pope ultimately still in the driver’s seat propagating a false Gospel. However, this is another step towards a “one world church.” Much, much more on this document to come (including conservative Catholics’ reaction). My thanks to “koeplin” for alerting me to this breaking news story.

In keeping with his “smiling Uncle Jorge” persona, pope Francis met with 100+ comedians invited from around the world yesterday at the Vatican. The American contingent included Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, Whoopi Goldberg, Conan O’Brien, and Chris Rock. One can’t help but contrast the bloody Inquisition and other persecutions directed from the Vatican by previous “Vicars of Christ” and Francis’ “pope of the people” comicality.

I see from the above article from a liberal Catholic publication that there’s a new book out – “True Confessions: Voices of Faith from a Life in the Church” by Francis Maier – which features conservative American Catholic bishops anonymously taking pot shots at progressive pope Francis. I may have to read and review it. Conservative Catholic apologists love to present the RCC as a united monolith, but they rue the day when Bergoglio was elected pope.

Last weekend, we reported that pope Francis was outed for using a “homophobic” slur in a private meeting with Italian bishops. Francis apologized after the fact. A young man, Lorenzo Michele Noè Caruso, who aspires to be a priest, but was rejected because of his unabashed gay sexuality, wrote the pope expressing his concern about the slur and his discouragement at being refused as a seminary candidate. The pope encouraged him to pursue his “vocational calling.” Given the publicity, I expect Francis will personally intervene to ensure Caruso is admitted to seminary. Three reactions: 1) Catholic seminaries, with their rule of mandatory celibacy, have been magnets and incubators of deviancy for centuries, 2) the pope and the RCC are gradually recognizing S&G-uality as a, not tolerated, but acceptable lifestyle, and 3) the New Testament makes it clear that the sacerdotal priesthood and sacrifice for sin were done away with by Jesus Christ’s perfect sacrifice on the cross at Calvary.

The Fiducia supplicans declaration issued by RCC’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith and approved by pope Francis last December authorizes priests to bless individuals in same-sex unions as long as a number of (wink, wink) qualifiers are adhered to, one of them being that the blessings must be informal rather than scheduled. Well, anyone could have easily foreseen that all of the qualifiers would eventually bite the dust. The Kentucky Catholic church mentioned in the article above is taking appointments for same-sex blessings. Be assured that the same is being done in liberal Catholic parishes all across the U.S.

Fuller was “New Evangelicalism’s” flagship seminary under the leadership of Billy Graham allies, Harold Ockenga and E.J. Carnell, and has been on a liberal trajectory ever since.

21 thoughts on “Welcome to the Weekend Roundup! – News & Views – 6/15/24

  1. The blessing of homosexuals totally undermines any rc from rebuking any gay couple. The homosexual couples can reject any rebuke since their church blesses them. This is what happens when a church rejects Sola Scriptura.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks. Yes, untethered from Scripture, Rome can authorize anything it wants under the catch-all of “sacred oral tradition” or magisterial prerogative.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Michael! There is always something dreadfully anti-Biblical going on in the RCC from week to week. Yes, the Vatican has its share of polezni durak in evangelical pulpits and seminaries.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Comedians and the pope… “One can’t help but contrast the bloody Inquisition and other persecutions directed from the Vatican by previous “Vicars of Christ” and Francis’ ‘pope of the people’ comicality.” Well said!!

    Fuller…They’re all falling, one by one. Really unbelievable. Is anybody for real!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Cathy! The historical papacy is definitely no laughing matter.
      Baptist Pastor, Charles Fuller, would be heartbroken to see the complete decline of the seminary he founded. His sermons would be ridiculed at Fuller today.

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  3. Thanks as always, Tom, for shining a light on what’s happening in the RCC. Same-sex union blessings; same-sex wedding blessings are not far off, I’m sure. And they delude themselves when they try to make a distinction between informal and scheduled blessings.

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    1. Thanks, Keith!
      RE: same-sex wedding blessings are not far off
      I agree. The wheels are more than turning. It’s just a question of when.
      RE: distinctions
      So calculating. Credulous conservative Catholics say, See the pope is holding the line! while progressive Catholics applaud the pope’s systematic breaking down of the barriers.

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      1. I’m confused. Who is right in the rcc? The conservative catholics or the progressives? I wonder if John or Trent or Jimmy or Lofton knows?

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  4. “Soon, like Rome, and like the Jews of Christ’s and the apostles’ time leagued with the heathen Rome, she will then become the persecutor of the saints (Rev 17:6). Instead of drinking her Lord’s “cup” of suffering, she has “a cup full of abominations and filthinesses.” Rome, in her medals, represents herself holding a cup with the self-condemning inscription, “Sedet super universum.” Meanwhile the world power gives up its hostility and accepts Christianity externally; the beast gives up its God-opposed character, the woman gives up her divine one. They meet halfway by mutual concessions; Christianity becomes worldly, the world becomes Christianized. The gainer is the world; the loser is the Church…” (Jamieson-Fausset-Brown)

    People of understanding have been declaring this for centuries.

    Such has been the history of the worldly church up until now. The compromise of each party (Rome and the compromised Church) will culminate in a persecution of those who oppose this unholy union. May the Lord awaken His people to the things coming…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Reading a 130-page document from the Vatican with all of the ambiguous, flowery prose is not something I relish doing. I’m glad I came across a few articles that summarized the main points.


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