Truth from Arkansas! Sunday Sermon Series, #195

Today, in our ongoing “Truth from Arkansas” series, we’re featuring two new sermons from the brethren down under.

First, we have Associate Pastor Kelvin Richardson of Northern Hills Baptist Church in Texarkana, preaching on “Mid Crisis Life.”

Next, we have Pastor Cody Andrews of Holly Springs Missionary Baptist Church in Star City preaching on “Our Heavenly Father.”

Both of these sermons were delivered on Sunday, June 18th.

Associate Pastor Kelvin Richardson – Mid Crisis Life

Pastor Cody Andrews – Our Heavenly Father

10 thoughts on “Truth from Arkansas! Sunday Sermon Series, #195

  1. Grateful for the guest preaching by Pastor Richardson. Good study on the 12 year old daughter and woman bleeding for 12 years. Like how he looked at Luke as a doctor and noted the woman was incurable (the bleeding woman). A doctor’s insight.

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    1. Thanks for listening! I enjoyed this sermon as well. Yup, many teachable examples of crises and turning to the Lord as Deliverer in the Bible. I enjoyed the quips about “mid-life crisis” and older men buying red sports car convertibles as if attempting to retain their youth.

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  2. Wow I wrote this comment on a wrong’s person blog but here it is:
    “Answering your question: My Thursday went well ! Work didn’t have internet, so worked in a coffee shop then worked at home since the cafe was outdoors and it was hot. I also talked to someone whom we haven’t talked to for several hours with discipleship. Then talked long time with someone undergoing persecution…”

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