Welcome to the Weekend Roundup! – News & Views – 3/20/21

  • New book upcoming from Leonardo De Chirico

In this era of accommodating ecumenism, books that point out the anti-Biblical teachings of Roman Catholicism are becoming fewer and farther between. I was searching at Amazon the other day and was delighted to stumble upon a new book forthcoming from Leonardo De Chirico titled, “Same Words, Different World: What Makes Roman Catholicism Differ from the Gospel?” (photo above), which is due out May 31, 2021. De Chirico is director of the Reformanda Initiative and has already penned two excellent short books on Catholicism; A Christian’s Pocket Guide To The Papacy: Its origin and role in the 21st century and A Christian’s Pocket Guide to Mary: Mother of God?.

Spring begins today and the housing market is gearing up once again. Some priests may pooh pooh the tradition, but Roman Catholics regularly bury small statues of St. Joseph in the yard when selling a house in the belief that it will expedite the sale. And you thought Catholic-Voodoo syncretism was only found in New Orleans and Haiti? See my post on the topic, here.

Beth Moore is wildly popular among evangelical women, but she teaches such dangerous things as contemplative (mind emptying) prayer and embraces the Roman Catholic church as a Christian institution.

Evangelist Luis Palau was often referred to as the “Billy Graham of Latin America.” Like Graham, Palau embraced Roman Catholicism as a Christian entity and he also counted fellow-Argentinian Jorge Bergoglio aka pope Francis as a personal friend. See here.

The Roman Catholic church teaches that using any form of artificial birth control, even non-abortifacients, is a mortal sin and only endorses the unreliable rhythm method aka natural family planning. In defiance of their church, 98% of Catholic women of reproductive age who have ever had sex have used a method of contraception other than natural family planning (Guttmacher Institute, 2011). What do you call an institution when all of its members flout its mandatory rules? A sham.

Progressive German Catholic prelates are trying to radically liberalize their national church in an effort to retain increasingly disaffected members who must pay 8-9% of their annual tax bill to remain on the church’s rolls.

Former Catholic media pioneer, bishop Fulton J. Sheen (d. 1979) was on the fast-track to being canonized, but the process hit a brick wall when the dioceses of Peoria, Illinois (Sheen’s birthplace) and New York City battled in court for the rights to his cadaver. When the dispute was settled in Peoria’s favor in 2018, canonization appeared imminent, but was then put on hold indefinitely after fallout from 2019 investigations in Rochester, New York into priest sexual abuse and cover-up implicated Sheen, the former bishop of that city from 1966 to 1969.

Jesuit priest, James Martin, is progressive pope Francis’ point man in the crusade to wear down resistance to full acceptance of practicing gays and lesbians within the RCC.

24 thoughts on “Welcome to the Weekend Roundup! – News & Views – 3/20/21

  1. Thanks, Tom! I’ll be delving into this post through out the day! My Landon has bowling this a.m. (we can’t go in and watch yet 🙁) he bowled a “turkey” last Saturday!!! Nothing DOWN about that ( Down syndrome-get it 😉😊)!
    Have another blessed day in the Lord!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Beth! I’m not much of a bowler so I had to google “turkey.” Excellent! Hope he has a good time today! Blessings to you and yours today!


  2. So much to consider here, burying statues? Such witchcraft! Having grown up around huge Catholic families with 10 or 12 kids, I totally believe the church’s only agenda was enlarging their congregation and coffers, much like Islam with several wives.
    The only thing sadder than folks sitting in a deceptive religion is when they get up and leave, discarding God at the same time. I pray they turn to seek God, Who promises to be found by those who diligently seek Him.
    Press on brother, have a good weekend!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Lisa Beth, thanks for all of the good comments! We who grew up in liturgical, institutional religiosity are very familiar with how members dabble in occultism, horoscopes, palm reading, etc. Catholicism is famous for winking at such syncretisms, after all, it has so many “good luck” fetishes of its own.
      Thank you and have a good weekend, also!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. I read this before I was awake and I thought, “I can’t believe Leonardo DiCaprio has written such a book!” I am glad I do not blog/post when I am not awake! In regards to Beth Moore I will heed Thumper’s mom’s wisdom and “not say anything at all!” I am thankful for all your Catholic resources which help me understand more and more how this is a false religion, leading millions into hell without a bat of an eye. Praying for you to have strength at work and for God to give Corinne the strength she needs to face this day as well!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Mandy! I got a chuckle about Hollywood Leo because he’s quite public about his Catholicism.

      Thanks for all of your prayers and encouragement! Feeling a lot better than during the week and doing pretty good at work.

      Speaking of encouragement, thank you very much for your kind and uplifting card in the mail. It brightened up our day! Corinne sends her appreciation, too. Thanks so much for your prayers for our sons! Corinne sends them Bible verses every day. Lots of blessings to you and Nathan. Hope your weekend is off to a good start!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Dropping by with a hi! Glad yesterday was a slower pace at work with your transition back fom being sick. Will read this shortly been doing errands with dropping off booklets for our youth group

    Liked by 1 person

  5. 1. Glad there is another book on problem of roman Catholicism.
    2. I remember your St. Joseph and house selling post!
    3. I never knew much about Palau so thank you.
    4. Wow many people don’t live out rc beliefs.
    5. Lots of LGBTQIA stuff in Catholicism

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the good comments!

      Yup, I’m grateful for this new book from De Chirico. The title is very accurate: “Same Words, Different World.”

      The burying of the St. Joseph statue to sell a house is so ridiculous.

      I never knew that much about Palau myself. He was popular with Hispanic-Americans.

      RE: Catholics and contraceptives

      Right. Everyone knows it’s a charade. They all use contraceptives and come to mass and receive communion anyways, defying the RCC.

      RE: Catholics and LGBT

      This is a tinderbox. Pope Francis disappointed LGBTers recently, which I’ll comment on next weekend, but the RCC is marching slowly toward fully acceptance.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Although I never heard of it before I am not at all surprised about the burial of statues to sell a house, 🥺. My next door neighbour is a RC, she also owns the place I am currently renting, She told me a few weeks ago that I should never be afraid in this house because when she built it last year, she asked the priest to bless an unknown number of crosses and then had them placed in the cement foundations of the house.🤷🏻‍♀️
    Blessings Tom.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Crissy. All of that sounds very familiar. Shortly after our first house was built, around 1980, I called the local parish and had them send a priest over to bless the house. But I was also reading my Catholic Bible at the time and finally accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior by faith alone in 1983.

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