Welcome to the Weekend Roundup! – News & Views – 4/4/20

Welcome to the Weekend Roundup, my friends! The COVID-19 pandemic obviously continues to dominate local, national, and international headlines.

Some Protestants of various denominational affiliations have made headlines this past week by holding worship services in defiance of bans on public gatherings. COVID-19 has a proven track record of contagion and lethality. Christians who defy public health directives are not only giving Christianity a bad name, they are also endangering people’s lives.

The Roman Catholic church’s salvation system is largely dependent on its sacraments. The last couple of weeks, we have been following how the RC church is modifying its sacramental rituals in light of restrictions on public gatherings. For example, Catholics were always taught in the past that the graces associated with the mass were imparted only upon those who physically attended. Watching mass on TV, Catholics were told, did not impart graces to the viewer. Since physical attendance is not possible during this pandemic, the RCC has done a flip-flop and is now encouraging Catholics to watch mass via television and/or streaming. Catholics are being told by their priests and bishops that “spiritual communion,” i.e., contemplating and desiring the Jesus wafer, is as effectual as physically consuming it! Another casualty of the pandemic is the sacrament of the anointing of the sick, i.e., last rites. Most Catholics are counting on the sacrament of extreme unction/last rites/anointing of the sick administered by a priest to “get them right with God” before they die, but the pandemic is limiting access to priests. If you desire to genuinely get right with God, repent of your sin and accept Jesus Christ as your Savior by faith alone!

Catholics are so dependent upon the mass and receiving the Jesus wafer as part of their works-righteousness religious rituals, that some priests are defying public health guidelines and diocesan directives and surreptitiously opening masses to the public and distributing the “host.”

A couple of weekends ago, I reported that some Hollywood celebrities were trying to rally the nation amidst this pandemic with a rendition of John Lennon’s atheistic paean, “Imagine.” Larry the Cable Guy is having none of it.

This article refers to Bible-denying, mainline Protestants, but evangelical Christians are figuring out how to take the Lord’s Supper “together” while viewing services online. Our church is doing virtual communion tomorrow and my wife and I are prepared with grape juice in the fridge and bread in the pantry.

Americans were recently asked, “Who comes to mind when you think of evangelical Protestantism?” and 21% responded with “Billy Graham,” the most popular answer. It’s ironic that Graham was actually an enthusiastic friend of Roman Catholicism and its false gospel and therefore was at odds with true evangelical Protestantism.

44 thoughts on “Welcome to the Weekend Roundup! – News & Views – 4/4/20

  1. “ Christians who defy public health directives are not only giving Christianity a bad name, they are also endangering people’s lives.”-EXACTLY!!!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. That’s right! As one preacher said”we are not being persecuted-it’s a law of the land that everyone must follow” right now.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. It was sad hearing about that 60-person choir in Washington State that had a rehearsal on March 10th resulting in just about all of them sick and several dying.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. “”So now we know, oh hm, maybe it’s transmitted not just by droplets and sneezes or coughs; maybe it’s transmitted just by people talking, just by people being around each other,” Comstock said. “And then of course, if you’re singing there’s more volume to the talking, deep breathing and more volume.”

        Liked by 2 people

  2. “ Catholics are being told by their priests and bishops that “spiritual communion,” i.e., contemplating and desiring the Jesus wafer, is as effectual as physically consuming it!” 😲🙄

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Good post!

    I was troubled to hear that some want to keep the churches open.

    My thoughts exactly…

    “Christians who defy public health directives are not only giving Christianity a bad name, they are also endangering people’s lives.”

    It’s encouraging to see that others see this.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Cathy. Yes, I have seen arguments from Christians who are strongly opposed to closing churches, but that’s just so unwise given everything we’ve already seen in connection with this virus. Those people need to spend 30 minutes at a hotspot hospital ER.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. 👋🏻 I appreciate the support my friend. I was contemplating working on the Friday apologetics post for Apr. 17 tonight, but will make this an R&R night with my wife and hit the books at 5AM tomorrow.

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    1. That’s right. I heard from someone today (anecdotally) that many/most of the churches that are defying the health guidelines are Pentecostal/charismatic (as is the church in the photo). The members are taught to believe they can be immune to something like this virus if they have enough faith.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Finally got around to this!
    1.) While we should be wise to stop spreading the virus I’m also at the same time concern for pastors being arrested and churches targeted. I think staying home is wise. By the way our church online service one of the high schoolers mentioned to pray for New York so I’m praying for you all.

    2.) So much of the Roman Catholic Chruch’s mass being on the news should be a wake up call that Rome’s idea of Mass is contrary to the Gospel!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your prayers, brother! The governor announced he was going to use the National Guard to start seizing ventilators from upstate NY medical facilities and moving them to NYC. Hospital administrators here in ROC say they are not giving up their ventilators because we are beginning to ramp up to a steep spike like NYC currently has.

      1 – I don’t know how accurate it is, but I heard the comment that many/most of the churches defying the worship service ban are Pentecostal/charismatic that teach divine immunity from sickness/disease.

      2 – In a few of the news reports about churches switching to virtual worship services, I have seen Protestant services ignorantly referred to as “mass.”

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  5. Now that the R.C. Church is.modifying it’s sacramental worthless rituals due to CV, let’s pray that God will open the eyes of these spiritually blind souls so that they will turn away from made man rituals to true faith in God through Jesus Christ by faith alone. 🙏

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