Joel Osteen: The “Smiling Preacher”?

Salvation With A Smile: Joel Osteen, Lakewood Church, & American Christianity
By Phillip Luke Sinitiere
New York University Press, 2015, 305 pages

I’m interested in Joel Osteen only because he epitomizes the compromise and betrayal of the Gospel within much of American “evangelicalism.” Osteen “pastors” Lakewood mega-church in Houston, Texas, which has a weekly attendance of 52,000. He impacts millions more via radio, weekly telecasts on TBN, podcasts, and his bestselling books.

I spotted this Osteen biography in our library system’s web catalog and thought it might present an objective view of Osteen. Boy, was I wrong!

Historian, Phillip Sinitiere, begins the Joel Osteen story by tracing back to his father’s beginnings. John Osteen started out as a Southern Baptist preacher, but in 1958 he embraced the beliefs and practices of Pentecostalism and become one of the leading figures in the “neo-Pentecostal” movement. His services included the gamut of Pentecostal practices including alleged glossolalia (speaking in tongues), faith healings, prophetic utterances, and congregants being “slain in the spirit.” His son, Joel, had attended Oral Roberts University for one year, but dropped out to produce his father’s televised sermons beginning in 1982. John Osteen died in 1999 and Joel assumed the pastorship of Lakewood with no theological training except for the countless hours he had spent editing and re-editing his father’s sermons for television.

For his messages, Joel leaned heavily on the teachings of his father, and also those of John Maxwell (a disciple of positive gospeler, Robert Schuller) and Joyce Meyer. What Joel teaches week after week is mainly a message of “second chances” through positive, self-affirmation, with smatterings of (c)hristian phraseology thrown in here and there. Fill your head with positive thoughts and positive things will happen. Speak positive words to yourself and to others and goals will be accomplished. Osteen’s theology is another variant of the word of faith, name-it-and-claim it, prosperity gospel that permeates much of Pentecostalism.

Osteen learned quite a bit about producing a religious show while working for his father for seventeen years. Noticeably absent in Joel’s sermons and telecasts are any references to Pentecostal distinctives like healings and glossolalia that might offend a portion of potential viewers. Joel forces a smile throughout the entirety of each and every “sermon” because research has shown viewers are turned off by serious-faced preachers. The message is repeatedly – week after week – to dream big and attain your goals through positive thinking and positive talk. Osteen is also pioneer in leveraging new e-technologies and social platforms to gain followers.

Sinitiere writes this biography, not as an objective observer, but as a mildly enthusiastic fan. There is a chapter devoted to Osteen’s critics from within conservative evangelicalism (identified as “New Calvinists”), including John MacArthur, but the author dismisses (and disparages) these men as worshipers of rigid theology in contrast to Osteen’s pragmatic life advice for the everyman, which millions obviously find appealing. But rather than hearing about their hopeless, sinful state and the Good News! of salvation by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone, Osteen’s followers are mainly hearing about how to “live your best life now.”

I found this book somewhat interesting because of the factual information about John and Joel Osteen, but the author’s surprising bias was a huge drawback.

18 thoughts on “Joel Osteen: The “Smiling Preacher”?

    1. Thanks, Jerry. Yes, Scripture tells us to rejoice in the Lord always, in all circumstances. No need to be dour faced as a believer saved by God’s grace though faith in Jesus Christ alone. The prosperity gospel puts the emphasis on the temporal rather than the spiritual and makes worldly success a condition of proper faith. It resembles a Ponzi scheme with the televangelists at the top of the pyramid and word of faith pastors below.

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    1. Thanks, Michael. Yup, the “good news” for these guys is to “live your best life now.” I haven’t listened to Osteen a lot myself but he admits himself that he avoids mentioning sin and repentance unto salvation in Christ because he would rather lift people up than bring them down.

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  1. It’s disturbing how many people allow themselves to be so taken in and deceived by preachers like Osteen. Thanks for the background info on him. Don’t need it to know he shouldn’t be followed, but it’s interesting anyway.

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    1. Thanks, Caroline. Yes, some of the biographical information was very interesting, especially how Osteen learned to carefully craft his brand in order to maximize his popular appeal. Those TBN sermons, from the lighting, to the camera angles, to the constant grin, to the hand and head gestures, are choreographed down to the minute detail. That stuff was interesting.

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  2. I didn’t know that John Osteen’s father started out as a Southern Baptist preacher! I knew the dad only as a Pentecostal Preacher.
    Also I didn’t know John Maxwell was a disciple of positive gospel preacher Robert Schuller. I even read Maxwell’s book in the past and reviewed it on our blog! I guess Maxwell is so theologically light you don’t even see any references to Schuller.
    Wished the author could have interacted more critically with Osteen’s detractors. Good review brother

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  3. Well, you know how I feel about that fellow, Tom. If not for him, I would not even be in blogland. It was only because he ticked me off and I wanted to write it down that I even started a blog.

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